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PHB Term Test 1

Phelbotomy Terminology Test Number One (A)

a-no,not, without
ab- away from,deviating(eg. abnormal)
Ab antibody
ABG arterial blood gases
ABO (human) blood types
ABR absolute bed rest
a.c. ante cibum, (L.), before meals
AC alternating current
ACD acid citrate dextrose, anticoagulant
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone
ad- to, toward (eg. adduction)
aden/o gland(combining form; eg. adenopathy)
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ad lib at please, as described
ADP adenosine 5-diphosphate
aer/o air(combining form; eg. aerobic)
AFB acid-fast bacillus
AFP alpha-feto protein
Ag-Ab antigen-antibody reaction
A/G albumin/globulin ratio
agg agglutination
AGL acute granulocytic leukemia
AHG antihemophiliac globulin
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIHA autoimmune hemolytic anemia
AK above the knee
-al pertaining to
ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia
ALT alanine amino transferase (term for SGPT or GPT)
alges/o overly sensitive to pain (eg. algesia)
-algia pain (eg. neuralgia)
alveol/o alveolus
AM morning
AML acute myeloblastic leukemia
an- no,not, without, (eg. anemia)
ANA antinuclear anitbodies
angi/o vessel (combining form)
ante- before (eg. anterior)
anti- against (eg. antisepsis)
approx approximately
APTT activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT or PTT)
ARD antibiotic removal device
arthr/o pertaining to a joint (combining form; eg. arthritis)
-ary pertaining to (suffix; eg. coronary)
ASAP as soon as possible
ASK antistreptokinase
ASO antistreptolysis O titer
AST asparate amino transferase (term for SGOT or GOT)
ATP adenosine triphosphate
aur/o ear (combining form)
auto- one, self (prefix)
auto- trans- autologous transfusion (trans- means across or between; prefix)
AV atrioventricular, arteriovenous
BAP blood agar plate
baso- base (prefix; eg. basophils)
BBT basal body temperature
B cell lymphocyte derived in bone marrow
BC blood culture
BCP birth control pills
BFP biologically false positive
bi- two (prefix; bifurcate)
b.i.d. bis in die; twice daily
bi/o life (combining form; eg. biology)
BM bowel movement
bp boiling point
B/P blood pressure
brady- slow (prefix; eg. bradycardia)
bronch/o windpipe (combining form; eg. bronchitis)
BS blood sugar; bowel sounds; breath sounds
BSA body surface area
BUN blood urea nitrogen
c with
C carbon, compliance, clearance, coulomb
C&S culture and sensitivity
Ca calcium
CA cancer
CAB coronary artery bypass
carcin/o cancer (combining form; eg. adenocarcinoma)
caudal near the tail
cardi/o heart (combining form; eg. cardiopulmonary)
CAT computerized axial tomography scan
CBC complete blood count
CCU coronary care unit
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
-cele herniation (suffix; eg. meningiomyelocele)
-centesis surgical puncture (suffix; amniocentesis)
cephal/o head (combining form; eg. cephalic)
cerebr/o cerebrum, brain (combining form; eg. cerebrospinal fluid)
CEU continuing education units
prefix a word part that goes before a root
suffix the ending of a root word
combining form a root word plus a combining vowel
cytology study of cells
leukocytosis increase in white blood cells
-osis abnormal condition of
hematology study of blood
cariologist specialist in the study of the heart
-algia pain
cardialgia heart pain
cephalalgia head pain, headache
neuralgia nerve pain
neurologist specialist in the study of nerve disorders
-tomy process of cutting
-ectomy process of cutting out, remove
appendectomy removal of the appendix
gastr/o stomach
post after
arthr/o joint
pre- before
-itis inflammation
hepat/o liver
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
ecto- outer
ectoderm outer layer of skin
ophthalm/o eye
pathology study of disease
rhin/o nose
rhinopathy disease of the nose
or/o mouth
Created by: pfisters
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