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HCC 2008 temperature

the level of hotness or coldness of the body is measured in degrees
two types of body temperature surface and core
surface temp skin and outer tissue layers
core temp deep structures i.e. heart and liver
the bodies balance of heat and production and loss is controlled by the... hypothalamus
the hypothalamus is located in the pituitary
"normal" body temp is 98.6 degrees
Basal Metabolic Rate factor that influences temp. --minimum rate that body cells oxidize nutrients to produce energy
Muscle Activity factor that influences temp.--heat production during energy
Hormone Secretion factor that influences temp
Circadian Rhythm factor that influences temp. --24 hr pattern fluctuation
Heat Transfer factor that influences temp.-- way in which heat is lost
Age factor that influences temp.-- infants and elderly may have difficulty maintaining temperature
Environmental Temperature factor that influences temp.-- extreme temps
Stress factor that influences temp
Types of heat Transfer Radiation, Convection, Evaporation, Conduction
Radiation electromagnetic waves
Convection motion between areas of unequal density
Conduction transfer from direct contact
Heat conservation behaviors activated by cold shivering, increased muscular activity, increased hormone secretion, constriction of surface blood vessels, behavioral adaptation, pilorection
Heat dissipation behaviors activated by heat sweating, dilation of surface blood vessels, decreased hormone secretion, behavioral adaptation
body looses heat via skin, respiratory system during expiration, and the elimination of body wastes
fever temp. rises above normal
pyrexia fever
hyperpyrexia a high fever, usually above 105.8
intermittent temp alternates regularly btw a period of fever and normal or subnormal temperature
remittent temp fluctuates greater than 2 above normal but does not reach normal btw fluctuations
constant body temp remains constantly elevated with fluctuation of two degrees
relapsing temp returns to normal for at least 1 day then recurs
Types of thermometers glass, electronic, tympanic membrane, temperature sensitive strips, disposable paper thermometers
five sites for assessing temp oral, rectal, tympanic, axillary, forehead
examples of patients you who should NOT have an oral temp taken incoherent, restless, delirious, mouth breather, less than 4 yrs old, unconscious, seizure precautions
patients that would NOT take a rectal temp from perianal problems, chance of contamination (diarrhea), MI
normal ORAL temp 98.6
normal AXILLARY temp 97.6
normal RECTAL temp 99.6
normal TYMPANIC temp 99.5
normal FOREHEAD temp 94.0
interventions for a client with hyperthermia report findings, rest, tepid bath, increase frequency of VS, cool packs/blankets, control environmental air flow, monitor temp, look for a pattern
hyperthermia too high body temp
hypothermia too low body temp
interventions for a client with hypothermia warm environment, warm clothing/covers, warm drinks, monitor temp, warming blankets
convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade C=(F-32) x 5/9
convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit F= (C x 5/9) + 32
danger signs of fever dehydration, higher heart rate, decrease urinary output
a fever might be a sign that the body is... fighting infection and defending itself from bacteria
symptoms of a fever loss of appetite, headache, hot dry skin, dehydration, flush face, thirst, general malaise(awful feeling BLA!)
Created by: jaed008
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