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refers to a visual exam of body, including body movement and posture
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involves the use of the nurses hands tp feel texture, size, shape, consistency, and location
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HA- CH 5

Health Assessment

refers to a visual exam of body, including body movement and posture inspection
involves the use of the nurses hands tp feel texture, size, shape, consistency, and location palpation
part of hands most sensitive to vibrations ulnar surface of hands
part of hand that best detects position, texture, size, etc palmar surface of hands (fingers and fingerpads)
the act of listening sounds within the body auscultation
involves the striking of a finger or hand directly against a pt body percusion
a loud, high-pitched sound heard over abdomen tympany
is heard over normal lung tissue resonance
is heard in overinflated lungs hyperresonance
is heard over the liver dullness
is heard over bones and muscles flatness
what is the percussion tones of the lungs? tone- resonant.....intensity- loud......pitch- low....duration- long.......quality- hollow
what is the percussion tones of the bones and muscles? tone- flat....intensity-soft...pitch-high...duration-short...quality-extremely dull
what is the percussion tones of the viscera and liver borders? tone-dull...intensity-medium...pitch-med high...duration-medium...quality-thudlike
what is the percussion tones of the stomach and gas bubbles in intestines? tone-tympanic...intensity-loud...pitch-high...duration-medium...quality-drumlike
what is the percussion tones of the air trapped in lung? tone-hyperresonant...intensity-very loud...pitch-very low...duration-longer...quality-booming
position used to assess head, neck, back, thorax, lungs, breasts, axillae, heart, vital signs, and upper extemities sitting
position to assess head, neck, anterior thorax and lungs, breasts, axillae, heart, abdomen, extremities, pulses supine
position used to assess head, neck, anterior thorax and lungs, breasts, axillae, heart, abdomen dorsal recumbent
position used to assess female genitalia and gential tract lithotomy
position used to assess rectum and vagina sims
position used to assess musculoskeletal system prone
position used to assess heart lateral recumbent
position used to assess the rectum knee-chest
Created by: TayBay15
Popular Nursing sets




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