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Med Surg Exam 1

what is the normal lab value for hemoglobin Male 13.5-18 Female 12-16
what is a main function of sodium in the body muscle contraction
what is a main function of potassium in the body cardiac conduction
describe a stage I pressure ulcer intact skin w. nonblanchable redness
describe stage II pressure ulcer partial thickness skin loss with pink or red wound bed or blistering
describe stage III pressure ulcer full thickness skin loss with subQ layer showing
describe stage IV pressure ulcer full thickness skin loss with bone or muscle showing
normal value for WBC 4000-11000
normal glucose 70-110
Lasix; classification and usage Loop Diuretic; excess fluid volume, HTN, CHF
Bumex; class and uses Loop Diuretic; excess fluid volume, htn, chf
Aldactone; class and uses Potassium sparing diuretic; excess fluid, htn, chf
hydrochlorothiazide; class and uses Thiazide diuretic; excess fluid, htn, chf
isotonic IV solution; function and examples provide balanced electrolytes and water normal saline 0.9% and L.R. solution, D5W
hypotonic IV solution; function and examples provide free water 1/2 NS 0.45% and 1/3 NS 0.33%
hypertonic IV solution; function and examples draw water from interstitial and intracellular space into vascular space D5NS D51/2NS D5LR
Zovirax; use Herpes Simplex
Herpes Simplex fever blisters and cold sores
Herpes Zoster shingles
Zostavax; use herpes zoster
neuro disease: tangles and plaques in brain cause neuron damage AZ
autoimmune disorder characterized by neuro disease: demyelinating in the CNS in patches called plaques MS
neuro disease: rapidly progressive degeneration and demyelinating of upper and lower neurons ALS
neuro disease: atrophy of the neurons r/t decreased dopamine production Parkinson's
neuro disease: caused by interrupted blood and oxygen flow to the brain causing brain cell death CVA
neuro disease: autoimmune neuromuscular disorder disease that decreases muscle contractions myasthenia gravis
Cognex; use AZ treatment
Exelon; use AZ treatment
Aricept; use AZ treatment
corticosteroids: Acthar, Delta-sone, Solu-Medrol; use MS treatment
Muscle Relaxants: Lioresal, Dantrium, Valium; use MS treatment
immunosuppressants MS treatment
Rilutrek; use ALS treatment
Levadopa; class and use dopamine precursor; Parkinson's
Symmetrel; class and use dopamine precursor; Parkinson's
Sinemet; class and use dopamine precursor; Parkinson's
Parlodel; class and use dopamine agonist; Parkinson's
Requip; class and use dopamine agoniost; Parkinson's
Plavix; class and use antiplatelet; CVA
Ticlid; class and use antiplatelet; CVA
Persantine; class and use antiplatelet; CVA
Fibrinolytic; use within 3 hours of CVA
myasthenia crisis; define and symptoms under medicated/ missed doses weakness, vertigo, respiratory crisis
cholinergic crisis; define and symptoms over medicated weakness, vertigo, respiratory crisis
Diagnostic procedures for MS MRI, CT, PET
neuro disease: gradual loss of body functions without loss of cognitive function ALS
neuro disease: mask-like faces, trouble starting and stopping motions, excessive sweating Parkinson's
neuro disease: diplopia, dysphagia, muscle weakness myasthenia gravis
Humalog; class, use rapid-acting insulin, type I diabetes
Novolog; class, use rapid-acting insulin, type 1 diabetes
Humulin; class and use short-acting insulin, type I diabetes
NPH; class and use intermediate-acting insulin; type I diabetes
Lantus; class and use long-acting insulin; type I diabetes
Levemir; class and use long-acting insulin; type I diabetes
Glucophage; use type II diabetes
Glucatrol; use type II diabetes
Diabeta; use type II diabetes
Amaryl; use type II diabetes
Avandia; use type II diabetes
Actos; use type II diabetes
a cluster of the most dangerous heart attack risk factors metabolic syndrome
fasting blood glucose: diagnosing diabetes <126m
casual blood glucose: diagnosing diabetes <200
define primary HTN caused by pathological processes
define secondary HTN caused by a specific disease process
Lotensin; class and uses ACE inhibitor; HTN, CHF
Prinivil; class and uses ACE inhibitor; HTN, CHF
Capoten; class and uses ACE inhibitor; HTN, CHF
vasotec; class and uses ACE inhibitor; HTN, CHF
Avapro; class and uses ARBS; HTN, CHF
Cozaar; class and uses ARBS; HTN, CHF
Cadura; class and use Alpha Blocker; HTN
Minipress; class and use Alpha Blocker; HTN
Hytrin; class and use Alpha Blocker; HTN
Corgard; class and use Beta Blocker; HTN
Tenormin; class and use Beta Blocker; HTN
Inderal; class and use Beta Blocker; HTN
Cardizem; class and use Calcium blocker; HTN
Norvasc; class and use calcium blocker; HTN
Procardia; class and use calcium blocker; HTN
diagnose CHF: jugular distention, increased BP, peripheral edema, weight gain, anorexia Right-Sided CHF
diagnose CHF: cough, lung crackles, SOB, cyanosis, fatigue Left-Sided CHF
CHF that backs fluid up into the body Right-Sided CHF
CHF that backs fluid up into the lungs Left-sided CHF
Digoxin; use CHF
nursing interventions r/t Digoxin listen to apical pulse for 1 min. prior to med assess cardiac status after med hold is pulse <60bpm monitor for digitalis toxicity
digitalis toxicity: symptoms, diagnosing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, visual changes lab for digoxin levels
Created by: jperrault9941
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