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Health and human (1)
Term | Definition |
Growth | Refers to the measurable changes in the body, mainly due to an increase in the number and size of the body's cells |
Individual human development | Describes the gradual changes in an individuals physical,social and emotional and intellectual states and abilities. |
physical development | The changes that relate to peoples size and shape and overall body structure. |
motor development | A form of physical development that relates to the way in which an individual develops muscle function. |
social development | The increasing complexity of behavior patterns used in relationships with other people. |
emotional development | refers to feelings and moods and the ways in which people express, understand and exercise control over them. |
Self-esteem | How a person feels about themselves and their own abilities. |
Self-concept | The idea an individual has on themselves; who they are, who they want to be, what they value and what they believe others think of them. |
Intellectual development | Also referred to as cognitive development, the ways in which people are able to think and reason. |
Primary sexual characteristics | Characteristics that develop during puberty related to the development of the sex organs and reproductive system of males and females, enabling them to reproduce. |
Secondary sexual characteristics | Characteristics that develop during puberty that indicate sexual maturity but are not related to a persons ability to reproduce. |
Health | A state of complete physical, social and emotional well-being not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. |