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NAVMED P-5010 Ch01

Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine Ch 1: Food Sanitation

What is NAVMED P-5010? The Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine
What subject does Chapter One of NAVMED P-5010 encompass? Food safety
What information does Appendix A of NAVMED P-5010 encompass? Food borne illnesses
What term describes "syndromes acquired by the consumption of food contaminated by disease pathogens, microbial toxins, or poisonous chemical substances"? Food borne illnesses
What causes a food born infection? Ingestion of food containing pathogenic microorganisms which must multiply within the gastrointestinal tract, producing widespread inflammation.
Foods commonly incriminated in outbreaks of food borne infections have what common characteristics? They provide moisture, a good protein food supply, and warmth.
What is the usual source of the pathogens which cause staphylococcal food intoxication? The nose, throat, boils, pimples, or infected cuts on the hands of food service personnel.
What is food borne intoxication? Certain bacteria under favorable growth conditions produce chemicals (toxins) in food which when ingested will cause food intoxication.
The abrupt onset of symptoms from staphylococcal food borne intoxication occurs when? Two to four hours after ingestion; nausa, vomiting, diarrhea, and prostration with little or no fever.
What causes the rare disease called botulism? Exotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum.
Which fish concentrate ciguatoxin? Grouper, snapper, jack, and barracuda.
What mollusks concentrate the toxin associated with "red tide"? Clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels.
What defines an incident in which two or more persons experience a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food and epidemiological analysis implicates the food as the source of the illness? FBDO (Food borne disease outbreak)
What are the four steps in performing an outbreak investigation? Verify there is an epidemic or outbreak. Complete case history questionnaires. Establish a diagnosis etiologically if possible. Collect food samples and containers.
What technique is used when collecting food samples and containers? Aseptic
What technique is used when collecting food samples and containers? Aseptic
What's the incubation period for Bacillus cereus for vomitting toxin? 1-6 hrs
What's the incubation period for Bacillus cereus for diarrheal toxin? 6-24 hrs
What's the incubation period for Brucella? Days to months, but usually less than 30 days
What's the incubation period for Campylobacter? 2-10 days, but usually 2-5 days
Samples of perishable foods should be chilled and held below what temperature? Below 41 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), but should not be frozen.
What's the incubation period for Clostridium botulinum? 2 hours to 8 days, usually 12 to 48 hours
What is the incubation period for Clostridium perfringens? 6 - 24 hrs
What's the incubation period for E. Coli (Enterohemorrhagic)? 1 - 10 days, usually 3-4 days
What's the incubation period for E. Coli (Enterotoxigenic)? 6 - 48 hrs
What's the incubation period for Listeria monocytogenes (invasive)? 4 - 6 weeks
What's the incubation period for nontyphoidal salmonella? 6 hrs to 10 days, usally 6 - 48 hrs
What's the incubation period for salmonella typhi? 3 - 60 days, usually 7 - 14 days
What's the incubation period for shigella? 12 hrs - 6 days, usually 2 - 4 days
What's the incubation period for staphylococcus aureus? 30 minutes to 8 hours, usually 2 - 4 hours
What's the incubation period for streptococcus Group A? 1 - 4 days
What's the incubation period for vibrio cholerae? 1 - 5 days
What's the incubation period for vibrio parahaemolyticus? 4 - 30 hrs
What's the incubation period for yesernia enterocolitica? 1 - 10 days, usually 4 - 6 days
What's the incubation period for cryptosporidium parvum? 2 - 28 days, median: 7 days
What's the incubation period for cyclospora cayetanensus? 1 - 11 days, median: 7 days
What's the incubation period for giardia lamblia? 3 - 25 days, median: 7 days
What's the incubation period for trichinella spp? 1 - 2 days (intestinal phase); 2 - 4 weeks (systemic phase)
What's the incubation period for hepatitis A? 15 - 50 days, median: 28 days
Created by: RabbittDK10
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