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NAVEDTRA 14295B Ch13

HM Chapter 13: Nutrition and Diet Therapy

What is s substance that contributes to growth or maintenance of the body? nutrient
What are the six essential nutrients? water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals
What is the most important nutrient? water
The human body is approximately how much water? 60%
What are carbohydrates main role? provide energy to the cells
What is the general recommendation of fiber intake for men and women? 25 grams for women and 37 grams for men
What are commonly referred to as building blocks of the body? Proteins
Out of the 20 amino acids how many are essential? 9
What has the highest value of the most useful mix of amino acids/proteins? egg whites
What are lipids? fats
What are the 4 fat soluble vitamins? A, D, E, and K
Fat is how many calories per gram? 9 calories per gram
what type of fats are generally healthy? monosaturated fats
what fats are generally not considered healthy? trans fats
What will a deficiency of Vitamin A cause? night blindness
What disease is caused by a deficiency in vitamin D? Rickets
What role does vitamin K play? blood clotting assisting in hemorrhage
What disease does a deficiency in Vitamin C cause? Scurvy
What will a deficiency in Thiamin cause? beriberi
What diet is very common and is usually the first diet ordered for people who have not eaten in a few days or are recovering from surgery? clear liquid diet
A patient is not typically on a clear liquid diet for more than what? 2 to 3 days
What diet is indicated in certain post-op cases, patients with GERD, immediately following an acute illness or patients who cannot tolerate spicy or highly seasoned foods? soft or bland diet
what diet is indicated in patients who are edentulous, recovering from stroke, have failed a modified barium swallow or who may not be aware enough to chew? pureed diet
What diet is most typically indicated with trauma, underweight, failure to thrive, burns, wound healing, and occasionally after a major surgery? high calorie or high protein diet
What diet is intended to promote slow weight loss? calorie-restricted diet
What diet is indicated for patients with renal or hepatic disease? protein restricted diet
What diet is indicated where minimal stool production is warranted? low residue diet
What conditions usually benefit from a high fiber diet? diverticulitis, IBS, and ulcerative colitis
What diet is designed to help manage a patients blood sugar levels? carbohydrate consistent also known as the diabetic diet
What diet can be used to prevent conditions such as hypertension, congestive heart failure, hyperlipidemia, heart attacks and strokes? low sodium, cholesterol, fat, cardiac diet
What diet is used for a patient with celiac's disease? gluten free diet
What does enteral refer to? feeding a patient using a tube that leads to the GI tract
What is most commonly used in cases where patients are unable to meet their nutritional needs by mouth and do not have a functioning GI tract? parenteral nutrition
What is the most aggressive nutritional therapy? parenteral nutrition
Created by: RabbittDK10
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