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UND 363 Giemsa

UND 363 May Grunwald Giemsa

purpose for Giemsa stain differentiation of cells in hematopoietic tissue (ie where cells and other elements are formed) AND to demo microorganisms
principle for Giemsa stain Is Modified Romanovsky Stain - neutral dyes combin with basic dye AZURE B and adic dye EOSIN Y to give wide color range (polychrome stain)
What stains are combined for Giemsa stain Azure B (basic) and Eosin Y (acidic)
how does PH affect the giemsa stain it will cause variation of the staining characteristics (IE more acid will give more chromatin staining and less cytoplasmic; less acid will give denser nuclei and increase cyto basophilia)
fixative for Giemsa stain Zenkers or B5 preferred, but NBF is ok
What can Zenkers do in this stain fixes and Decalcifies bone marrow
microns 3-4
control for Giemsa stain spleen section
6 reagents in order for Giemsa stain if 1)zenkers/B5 used then 2)lugol iodine/sodium thiosulfate to remove mercury pigmen 3)methanol - fix, 4) jenner, 5)giemsa, 6)acetic acid then 95% alcohol- diffr'
why is a secondary diff'r used seperately (95% alcohol) besides the acetic acid it is due to the Eosin Y in the giemsa stain
results for Giemsa stain nuclei - blue, WBC/cytoplasm - pink/gray/or blue, bacteria - BLUE
why is the cytoplasm color varied in the results it is due to cell type and development
Why should the reagents be made just before use the working solutions are not stable
why is ph adjustment needed in this stain it needs to be adjusted for different fixatives. (IE more acid will give more chromatin staining and less cytoplasmic; less acid will give denser nuclei and increase cyto basophilia)
what is the typical ph for giemsa stain 6.4 - 6.9
if there is an increaced acidity how will the results vary it will decrease basophilia and the RBC's will be pink and the WBC's will be understained
if there is a decrease in acid how will the results vary there will be a increased basophilia and the RBC's will be blue gray, WBC nuclei will appear more densly stained.
Created by: mustangvxd
Popular Histology sets




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