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Histology Flashcards

Description Date Stars ▼
ASCP Histology Prep: STAINING  (67 cards) 2024-05-09 32
Histology ASCP Fixation information  (104 cards) 2024-05-15 17
Fixation  (216 cards) 2024-05-15 15
Histology ASCP Special Stains  (292 cards) 2024-09-03 15
ASCP Histology Prep: Microtomy  (5 cards) 2024-11-18 13
SPECIAL STAINS  (523 cards) 2020-02-08 13
H & E stain  (50 cards) 2020-02-08 11
Nucleic Acid Stains  (78 cards) 2017-07-17 10
Fixatives Chapter One  (113 cards) 2023-11-14 9
Processing  (179 cards) 2024-02-13 9
Composition of Compound Fixatives  (12 cards) 2020-11-10 8
Immunhistochemstry  (139 cards) 2018-10-31 8
Instruments Chapter 3  (170 cards) 2017-01-26 7
NWCC Histo 2 MASH 2 SPREADSHEET  (129 cards) 2014-03-04 7
Decalcification  (50 cards) 2017-07-17 6
WVSOM Class of 2012 Epithelium  (35 cards) 2012-12-12 6
Hisology 2 MASH notes  (92 cards) 2014-03-04 5
Instrumentation in the histology lab  (125 cards) 2024-01-27 5
UND 362 embedding  (21 cards) 2019-04-16 5
UND 362 Fixatives general knowledge  (144 cards) 2019-04-16 5
Common Aqueous Formalin Solutions  (9 cards) 2014-05-02 4
Gastrointestinal System  (88 cards) 2008-11-05 4
Histology ASCP: Lab protocol and safety  (52 cards) 2016-06-24 4
HT 12 Exam 1  (85 cards) 2020-02-08 4
Microorganisms  (14 cards) 2023-01-03 4
UCI Histo test 3  (84 cards) 2016-08-10 4
UND 362 safety  (51 cards) 2019-04-16 4
word gen  (6 cards) 2018-12-07 4
answers to Test Obj questions  (55 cards) 2014-09-11 3
Body Tissues  (27 cards) 2009-05-29 3
Combined Fixatives  (28 cards) 2020-06-30 3
Electron microscopy  (134 cards) 2014-05-02 3
Fibrous Connective Tissue  (16 cards) 2008-10-06 3
Fixation in the histology lab.  (130 cards) 2024-01-31 3
Histology  (36 cards) 2017-04-28 3
Histology  (70 cards) 2016-02-04 3
Histology-Endocrine-WVSOM Class of 2012  (36 cards) 2008-12-13 3
Immunohistochemistry  (43 cards) 2014-01-19 3
Nerves  (83 cards) 2022-11-22 3
NWCC TEST MASH HIST 2 Test 2  (75 cards) 2014-03-04 3
Processing in the histology lab  (154 cards) 2022-11-05 3
UND 362 DC and Gross  (62 cards) 2023-11-14 3
UND 362 Fixative formulas  (27 cards) 2019-04-16 3
UND 362 H&E Staining  (232 cards) 2019-04-16 3
UND 362 instrumentation  (71 cards) 2019-04-16 3
UND 362 Microtomy  (37 cards) 2023-11-14 3
UND 362 Processing  (69 cards) 2023-11-14 3
WVSOM: Endocrine System  (50 cards) 2010-04-18 3
Carbohydrates and Amyloids  (11 cards) 2014-01-14 2
Cardiovasc System  (36 cards) 2008-10-04 2
Connective and Muscle Tissue  (14 cards) 2014-01-14 2
Epithelium I  (8 cards) 2009-09-06 2
HTL fixation  (43 cards) 2023-01-03 2
Immune Systems  (51 cards) 2008-10-31 2
Lab safety in the histology lab  (86 cards) 2024-04-19 2
ME History Review  (16 cards) 2019-10-03 2
UND 362 Math  (32 cards) 2019-04-16 2
UND 363 PASD  (14 cards) 2014-01-25 2
Vocab  (13 cards) 2024-09-17 2
WVSOM Class of 2012 Cells  (48 cards) 2008-09-03 2
WVSOM Class of 2012 Staining Properties  (20 cards) 2019-05-08 2
4/28/20 6%  (95 cards) 2020-11-17 1
4/29/20 49%  (89 cards) 2020-11-17 1
5 themes andInvestigating the Past  (27 cards) 2020-10-13 1
A timeline of the French Revolution  (40 cards) 2023-03-21 1
abby's stuff  (25 cards) 2009-10-28 1
Bakhtar-Female Reproductive Pathology  (18 cards) 2011-11-20 1
Bakhtar-Male Reproductive Pathology  (16 cards) 2011-11-14 1
bill of rights..  (7 cards) 2015-10-13 1
Carbohydrate Quiz  (9 cards) 2024-10-27 1
Carbohydrates  (13 cards) 2024-10-27 1
Cardiovascular System  (58 cards) 2012-09-22 1
cartilage  (17 cards) 2012-10-15 1
CH13,14,15  (38 cards) 2025-01-14 1
Chapter 1  (31 cards) 2013-02-27 1
Connective Tissue  (24 cards) 2009-09-20 1
Connective Tissue Proper  (24 cards) 2015-02-05 1

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