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LPN Fall 2008

Infection Control

Infectious Disease diseases spread from one person to another
Infection condition that results when microorganisms cause injury to a host
Colonization condition in which microorganisms are present, but the host does not manifest any signs or sypmtoms
Infection Control Precautions physical measures designed to curtail the spread of infectious disease
Standard Precautions measures for reducing the risk for microorganism transmission from bot recognized and unrecognized cources of infection
Incubation Period infectious agent reproduces, no recognizablesymptoms, may exit host at this time
Prodromal Stage Initial symptoms appear, may be vague and nonspecific, i.e. fever, mild headache, loss of energy
Acute Stage Symptoms become severe and specific to tissue or organ that is affected
Convalescent Stage Symptoms subside, host overcomes infectious agent
Resolution Pathogen destroyed, Health improves or is restored
Transimission-based precautions measures for controlling the spread of infection agents from clients known to be or suspected of being infected with highly transmissible important pathogens
Airborne Precautions reduce the risk for transmitting airborne infacetious agents, keep door closed , client confined to room, wear mask such as N95 or Powered Air Purifier, i.e. TB, Measles
Droplet Precautions measures that block pathogens within moist droplets larger than 5 microns, Standard Precautions, door open or closed, wear mask always within 3 feet of client, i.e. Influenza, Rubella, Streptococcal pneumonia, menengoccal meningitis
Contact Precautions measures used to block the transmission of pathogens by direct or indirect contact, Follow standard precautions, gloves, gown if possible touching of contaminated objects, i.e infections that are drug-resistant, gas gangrene acute diarrhea, acute viral co
PPE garments that block the transfer of pathogens from one person, place, or object to oneself or others
Double-bagging infection control measure in which one bag of contaminated items, such as trash or laundry, is placed within another
Created by: amberspiess
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