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Kozier Chapter 20
Nursing 1A
Question | Answer |
Development | Increase in complexity of function |
Temperament | the way individuals respond to their external and internal environment-sets the stage for the interactive dynamics of growth and development. |
Growth | Physical change and increase in size. Can be measured quantitatively. Indicators include: height, weight, bone size, and dentition. Rapid during prenatal, neonatal, infancy, adolescent stages, slow during childhood. |
Maturation | Differentiation and refining of abilities and skills, based on an in-born "timetable" |
Personality | A complex concept that is difficult to define can be considered as the outward-interpersonal expression of the inner-intrapersonal self |
Unconscious Mind | Part of a person's mental life of which the person is unaware. |
Id | Resides in the unconscious and operating on the pleasure principle, seeks immediate pleasure and gratification. |
Ego | Realistic part of the person, balances the gratification demands of the id w. the limitations of social and physical circumstances. |
Defensive mechanisms, Adaptive mechanisms | These are result of conflicts bw the id's impulses and the anxiety created by the conflicts due to social and environmental restrictions. |
Superego | |
Libido | Proposed by Freud-dynamic psychic energy-the underlying motivation to human development. |
Fixation | Immobilization/inability of the personality to proceed to the next stage because of anxiety . |
Development stages | Erikson's theory, levels of achievement |
Developmental task | task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of an individual, successful achievement of which lead his/her happiness to success w. later tasks, failure=unhappy. |
Attachment | Freud hypothesized this lasting,strong emotional bonds to others. |
Cognitive development | refers to the manner which people learn to think, reason and use language and other symbols. Involves a person's intelligence, perceptual ability and ability to process information. |
Assimilation | Process which humans encounter and react to new situations by using the mechanisms they already possess. |
Accommodation | |
Moral | relating to "right and wrong" |
Morality | Refer to the requirements necessary for people to live together in society. |
Moral Behavior | Way a person perceives those requirements and responds to them. |
Adaptation | Coping behavior-ability to handle the demands made by the environment. |