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Stack #152358

pharm ch 12, kilgore lvl1

sedatives drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the CNS -can act as a hypnotic if given in large enough doses
Symptoms that sedatives reduce -nervousness -excitability -irritability w/o causing sleep
hypnotics cause sleep
dose size helps determine if drug is sedative or hypnotic, larger doses are typically hypnotic
low doses calm the CNS w/o inducing sleep
High doses calm the CNS to the point of causing sleep
Sleep-cycle balance all sleep needs to be balanced thru all the stages, and sleep drugs will suppress at least one aspect of the cycle
Non-REM sleep stage 1 2-5% of sleep time -dozing/drifting off to sleep, can be easily awakened
Non-REM sleep stage 2 50% of sleep time Relaxation, but person can easily be awakened person has occasional REMS and slight eye movements
Non-REM sleep state 3 5% of sleep time Deep sleep, difficult to wake person vital stats may decrease
Non-REM sleep state 4 10-15% of sleep time -very difficult to wake person who may be quite groggy if awakened -dreamin occurs, esp about daily events -sleep walking and enuresis can occur
REM sleep REMs occur vivd dreams occur breathing may be irregular
Barbiturates a sedative-hypnotic drug -only a handful commonly used presently b/c of the safety and efficacy of benzodiazepines
Categories of Barbiturates Ultrashort-anesthesia & other uses Short & intermediate-sedative/hypnotic and convulsive condition control Long- sedative/hypnotic, epileptic seizure prophylaxis & other uses Long- sedative/hypnotic,
secobarbital Short acting Barbiturate
Barbiturate therapeutic index is very narrow, effective dose is very close to toxic level
how barbiturates work in brainstem (reticular formation) bariturates inhibit GABA, therefore nerve impulses traveling in the cerebral cortex are also inhibited
low doses of barbiturates sedative effects
high doese of barbiturates hypnotic effects & lowers respiratory rate -alcholo will double the effect of barbituates
Barbiturate affect on enzymes notorious inducer -stimulates liver enzymes that cause the metabolism of many drugs shortening their duration of action
severe AEs of Barbiturates -respiratory depression -reduced REM sleep resulting in agitation (Psychotic) and inability to deal w/ normal stress -overdose produces CNS depression (sleep to coma to death)
other therapeutic uses of barbiturates -anesthesia induction -uncontrollable seizures "Phenobarbital coma"
Benzodiazepines most frequently prescribed sedative-hypnotic for it's favorable drug effect profiles
types of benzodiazepines -sedative-hypnotic -anxiolytic (medication that relieves anxiety)
long acting benzodiazepines estazolam (Prosom) flurazepam (Dalmane) others
short acting benzodiazepines temazepam (Restoril) triazolam (Halcion)
Nonbenzoidazepine hypnotics CNS depressants share many characteristics of benzodiazepines used to treat insomnia
types of nonbenzodiazepines -salepion (Sonata) -zolpidem (Ambien) -eszoplicone (Lunesta)
affects of benzodiazepines depress CNS activity less suppression of REM sleep than barbiturates Do not increase metabolism of other drugs
Benzodiazepines uses -sedation,sleep induction, balanced anesthesia, moderate/conscious sedation -skeletal muscle relaxation (mus. spasm relief) -anxiety, agitation, depression and epilepsy relief, -treatment of alcohol withdrawal
AEs of benzodiazepines mild and infrequent -fall hazard for frail/elderly persons -avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants while taking bezodiazepines
Muscle relaxants -act to relieve pain associ. w/ skeletal muscle spasms
Action of muscle relaxants -CNS site of action -structure and action similar to other CNS depressants -acts directly on skeletal muscle & resembles GABA
muscle relaxant uses -relief of muscle spasms -mgmt of spasticity or severe chronic disorders -MS, Cerebral palsy -work best with concurrent physical therapy
dantrolene (Dantrium) muscle relaxant used in malignant hyperthermia crisis
AEs of muscle relaxants CNS depression symptoms
cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) commonly used muscle relaxant central acting & treats spasticity
baclofen (Lioresal) -muscle relaxant -oral or intrathecal(spinal) route
temazepam (Restoril) -benzodiazapine used for short-term MGMT of insomnia
zaleplon (Sonata) -nonbeenzodiazepine hypnotic drug -short acting (4 hrs to sleep minumim) -effective up to 5 wks
zolpidem (Ambien) - Short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic -limit treatment of insomnia to 7-10 days -more grogginess than sonata
Created by: gfcfnina
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