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Stack #152430

pharm ch 14, kilgore lvl1

parkinson's Disease (PD) -chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder -no cures, only slowing progression
effects of PD -dopamine-producing neurons in brain reduced -imbalance of dopamine & ACh in brain
onset of PD -symptoms appearing when 80% of dopamine in substantia nigra of basal ganglia is depleted -progressive condition
symptoms of PD -bradykinesia -rigidity -tremors -postural instability -worsens when too little dopamine is present -diskinesia occurs when dopamine is in excess
dyskinesia difficultiy in performing voluntary movements -chorea: irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of limbs of face muscles -dystonia: abnormal muscle tone leading to imparied or abnormal movements
Levodopa -precurser of dopamine -able to cross blood-brain barrier (dopamine cannot) -taken up by dopaminergic terminal & converted to dopamine to be released as needed
Levodopa therapy -if started early in disease progress, positive results will last longer -typically will work successfully for 5-10 years b4 levodopa no longer controls PD
Drug therapy for PD -aimed at increasing dopamine levels while there are functioning nerve terminals -antagonizes or blocks effects of ACh -slows progression of the disease
Anticholinergic drugs benztrpine, biperiden, others
Anithistamines diphenhydramine, others
Dopamine-receptor agonists (direct acting) Levodopa, levodopa-caridopa, others
Indirect-acting dopamine-receptor agonists -MAO-B inhibitor (selegiline) -COMT inhibitor (entacapone, tolcapone) -misc (amantadine)
selegiline (Eldepryl) -used adjunctly w/ levodopa/levodopa-carbidopa to stablize client's response to levodopa potent, irreversible MAOI, inhibits MAO-B No Cheese-effect when under 10mg/day
Cheese effect reaction to tyramine in foods while on MAOIs causes hyper/hypotention
selective monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)therapy -breakdown catecholamines in CNS, primarily brain, thereby causing an increase in levels of dopaminergic stimulation in CNS -used in combination w/ levodopa or levodopa-carbidopa (adjunctive as well) -delays developement of levodopa therapy unresponsive
AEs of selegiline usually mild -dosage higher than 10mg/day may cause hypertensive crisis
Dopaminergic therapy used to provide exogenous replacement of lost dopamine or to enhance the function of the remaining neurons that still produce dopamine
Replacement dopaminergic therapy -function presynaptically to increase brain levels of dopamine -large doses of levodopa needed to get to brain cause AEs -carbidopa reduces effective dosage of levodopa by inhibiting/preventing premature metabolism prior to crossing blood-brain barrier
direct acting/replacement dopaminergic therapy (amantadine/Symmetrel) increases dopamine levels in brain by causing its release from the storage sites in intact nerve cells -typically only effective for 6-12 months, but may work again after drug holiday -blocks reuptake of dopamine, does not stimul
indirect acting dopaminergic therapy COMT inhibitors (tolcapone/Tasmar, entacapone/Comtan) -inhibits COMT, enzyme that metabolizes levodopa
bromocriptine (Parlodel) another direct acting med -stimulates dopamine receptors -activates dopamine receptors and stimulates production of dopamine
Ropinirole (Requip) red arrow nonergot dopamine agonist used for PD and restless leg syndrome
AEs to dopaminergic therapy Tolcapone = liver failure others- vary by drug
Anticholinergic Therapy (parasympathetic effects) Blocks the effects of ACh -effects less tremors & rigidity -does not relieve bradykinesia -ACh accumulates in brain b/c of lack of dopamine
Benztopine mexylate (Cogentin) anticholinergic drug used for PD
AEs for anticholinergic therapy -SLUDD-type symptoms (parasympathetic) give candy/gum to aid salivation
teaching considerations for antiPD meds -inform client not to take other meds w/ PD drugs w/o checking w/ Dr. -inform client not to discontinue antiPD drugs suddenly
Drug holidays cessation of specific drug for specific length of time to restore level of efficacy (hopefully)
benztropine mesylate (cogentin) -anticholinergic (and antihistaminic-like) -very useful in phenothiazine-induced extrapyramidal reactions (EPS-like)
Created by: gfcfnina
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