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Psych Exam 1

Over-abstraction Talking about the facts without stating personal affect
Neologisms Made up words
condensations Real words associated with a meaning that is not usually applied to that word
Rumination Going over the same 'mistake' in your head over and over again
Feelings of unreality Vibrant colors and vision changes
Ideas of reference Thinking that someone or something is talking about them
Illusion Misinterpretation of a real sensory stimuli
Hallucination A false sensory experience that is only experienced by the patient
Delusion A false, fixed belief
Three parts of Freud's psychoanalytic theory Conscious, preconscious, unconscious
Freud's Conscious mind theory Events and experiences that are easily remembered. Thought to be controlled by the ego.
Freud's preconscious mind theory Includes memories which are not at the front of the mind and may be somewhat forgotten or not frequently used; but can be recalled if they are brought up. Thought to be controlled by the super ego.
Freud's unconscious mind theory Memories that have been suppressed and cannot be recalled, either because they were unimportant or are hurtful to remember. They may be exposed through hypnosis or therapy and may influence dreams and actions.
Freud's Id theory The part of the self that is pleasure seeking
Freud's superego The part of the self that provides strict discipline
Freud's ego The rational self that is adaptable and balances the Id and Superego
Erickson's developmental tasks Infancy: trust v mistrust Early childhood: autonomy v shame and doubt Late childhood: initiative v guilt School age: industry v inferiority Adolescence: identity v role confusion Young adult: intimacy v isolation Adult: generativity v stagnation
Peplau psychodynamic nursing The nurse identifies their own behavior and values so they can provide better care to others.
Systems Theory Environment and genetics influence a person but not so much that they still can't decide their own fate
Biologic theory neurotransmitters affect risk for illness
A patient has low levels of norepinephrine, this can be associated with Depression
A patient has increased levels of norepinephrine, this can be associated with Mania, anxiety, schizophrenia
A patient has low levels of dopamine, this is associated with Parkinson's
A patient has increased levels of dopamine, this is associated with Schizophrenia and mania
A patient has low levels of serotonin, this is associated with Depression
A patient has increased levels of serotonin, this is associated with Anxiety
A patient has low levels of histamine, this is associated with Depression
A patient has low levels of GABA, this is associated with Huntington's, anxiety, schizophrenia, and epilepsy
Suppression Denying unpleasant thoughts and feelings "I'll think about those later"
Repression Putting unpleasant thoughts completely out of mind "I forgot I was supposed to do that"
Displacement Transferring feelings onto a 'safer' target
Reaction formation Behavior that is the opposite of what you feel
Rationalization Creating reasonable explanations for unacceptable behavior
Denial Pretending the truth is not reality
Regression Reverting back to an early stage in development
Projection Blaming others
Undoing Performing an act to 'make up' for past behaviors
Intellectualization Using facts to avoid talking about the emotions a person is having
Sublimation Channeling your unacceptable feelings into a behavior that is constructive
Identification An attempt to acquire attributes that a person found admirable in another person
Stages of the Grieving process Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
A patient has mood swings that vary from mania to major depression. They likely have Bipolar 1
A patient has mood swings that vary from mania to essentially normal feeling, they likely have Bipolar 1
A patient has mood swings that vary from hypomania to major depression, they likely have Bipolar 2
A patient has mood swings that vary from hypomania to persistent depression, they likely have cyclothymia
Medications typically used with electroconvulsive therapy Atropine: decrease secretions Anesthesia Muscle Relaxants
Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft Class and use SSRI Depression
Pristiq, Cymbalta, Effexor Class and Use Norepinephrine/SSRI Depression
Considerations with MAOI Tyramine diet restriction Increased tyramine can cause HTN CRISIS Tyrmine foods: chocolate, wine, cheese, yogurt, ect Lots of drug interactions
Marplan, Nardil, Parnate, Emsam Class and Use MAOI Depression
Lithium Class and considerations Mood Stabilizer Requires adequate NA intake Toxicity: N&V, diarrhea, weakness, tremor
Serum Lithium Range 0.6-1.2
Depakote, Carbatro, Topamax Class and Use Anticonvulsant Unlabeled: bipolar
Structured nursing versus unstructured nursing Structured: planned activities applied in all settings. (med admin, physical assessments, charting, ect) Unstructured: therapeutic use of self (determined by the nurse how, when, and why to use it. Uses personal relationship with patient)
Describe cognitive therapy - Aaron Beck How one thinks determines how one will feel and behave. Correct AUTOMATIC THOUGHTS to control mood and behavior problems.
arbitrary inference Jumping to a conclusion without the facts to support your choice
overgeneralization Sweeping conclusions that are "all-or-nothing" thinking
Dichotomous thinking Black-or-white thinking
Selective abstraction Only taking part of the facts into consideration, usually the negative facts
Magnification Making more of a situation than it is
Minimalization Making less of a situation than it is
Catastrophic thinking Thinking the worst case scenario
Personalization Attributing success or failure all to yourself instead of recognizing other factors may have been at play as well.
Cognitive rehearsal Uncovers potential automatics thoughts when a stressful event is anticipated
Physical tolerance versus behavioral tolerance with substance abuse Physical tolerance: more of the substance is needed to achieve the same effect Behavioral tolerance: the person is able to mask the effects of the intoxication
Signs of withdrawal that usually emerge in the first 4 days of alcohol detox Tremors, malaise, diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, irritability, increased BP and pulse
Alcohol delirium tremens Occurs 7-10 after detox Decreased cognitive function, hallucinations, illusions, incoherent speech, changes in motor function, increased BP, HR, and T. Risk for seizures. These are a medical emergency.
Meds typically used with alcohol detox Thiamine, Antiolytics (Ativan/Valium/Librium), Anticonvulsants (Dilantin), Antabuse
Three ideas that are perpetuated in a dysfunctional family with dependence Don't trust Don't talk Don't feel
Brief psychotic disorder Lasts less than 1 month
Schizopreniform Lasts 1-6 months
Schizoaffective Accompanied by bipolar or depression
Catatonia nonresponsive stupor
Echolalia Repeating random things that are heard
Echopraxia Mimicking another person's actions
Extrapyramidal Pseudoparkinsonism Mask-like faces, rigidity, tremors, shuffling gait, drooling
Extrapyramidal Dystonia/Dyskinesia Involuntary movements, muscle tightness in the throat, tongue, eyes, neck, and back
torticollis (EPS) Twisted neck
opisthotonos Arched back
oculogyric Eyes fixed toward the back of the head
The drugs used to treat EPS pseudoparkinsonism and dystonia/dyskinesia Benadryl and Cogentin
EPS Akathisia Inability to sit still
EPS tardive dyskinesia Tongue and mouth movements Long-term use May be irreversible
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Extreme. Muscle rigidity, stupor, increases in BP, HR, hyperthermia, urinary retention, change in consciousness, coma. MEDICAL EMERGENCY
Atropine-like side effects Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
agranulocytosis Decrease in WBC count Potentially fatal Seen with Clozaric use
1st generation antipsychotic meds (3) and what it works on Thorazine, Haldol, Prolixin Works on dopamine Affects positive symptoms
2nd generation antipsychotic meds (8) and what it works on Clozaric, Resperdal, Ability, Zyprexa, Invega, Seroquel, Geodon, Saphris Works on dopamine and serotonin Treats positive and negative symptoms
Autism spectrum disorder Abnormal communication and social interactions
Adderall, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Cylert Class and use CNS stimulant ADHD
Side effects of ADHD meds in children Weight loss, tachycardia, stunted growth, tolerance Toxic with cold meds Do not abruptly discontinue
Conduct disorder Antisocial behavior, aggression, and violence
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Irritable moods, but not violent towards others
Intermittent Explosive Disorder Impulsive outbursts (3 incidences)
Adjustment disorder maladaptive coping to a known stressor
Anorexia Biggest concern electrolyte imbalances may be fatal
Bulimia Physiologic concerns Esophageal damage
Created by: jperrault9941
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