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Breath Sounds
Question | Answer |
Heard most often on inspiration, result of air moving through fluid, commonly heard with CHF, sounds like rolling several strands of hair next to your ear. | Rales or Crackles |
Heard more on expiration but can on inspiration, result of thick secretions partially obstructing larger airways, may clear with coughing, commonly heard with emphysema & acute bronchitis. | Rhonchi or Gurgles |
Heard most commonly during expiration but can on inspiration, result of air being forced through narrowed airways, common causes of narrowed airways include asthma, allergic reaction & partial airway obstruction, continuous high-pitched musical squeak | Wheezes |
Caused by laryngeal or tracheal obstruction, obstruction can be caused by foreign body airway obstruction, croup & tumors constricting the larynx, loud musical sound differentiating from wheezes because of intensity. | Stridor |
Harsh, inspiratory sound caused by a partially blocked airway, heard with sleeping, head trauma or brain injuries. | Snoring respirations |