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APHG Agriculture #2

key issue #2 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Luxury Crops specialized crops not typically essential to human survival
Von Thünen Model Assumptions higher demand in the center lesser demand further from urban centers
Von Thünen Model the explanation that the agricultural products that use the land intensively, have high transportation costs, and were in great demand, would be located close to urban markets, and vice versa with products in lower demand and require more extensive use
Von Thünen Results intensively produced crops are located in urban centers and earn more money
Food Production Vs. Agriculture food production includes GMOs which encompasses Agriculture but at another more artificial level, primarily apart of agribusiness and more the purpose of mass selling
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) organisms that have had their genes altered in a laboratory for specific purposes, such as disease resistance, increased productivity, or nutritional value allowing growers greater control, predictability, and efficiency
Biotechnology any technique used to modify living organisms in such a way that they improve plans and animal species and, in turn, plants and animal production/ to make or modify plants and animals or to develop other microorganisms for specific purposes
Feedlots places where there is a concentrated raising of livestock in a small geographic space where they are fed hormones and other fattening grains to prepare them for slaughter at a much more rapid pace and in a much smaller space/ ex: factory farms
Transportation and Agriculture the industrial revolution: the access to trains and steamboats that allows farmers to ship their products farther at a lower cost and has a large role in determining which areas of the goose transitioned into commercial agriculture economies
Globalization of Agriculture the diffusion of agriculture across the globe
Agribusiness The set of economic and political relationships that organize food production for commercial purposes. It includes activities ranging from seed production, to retailing, to consumption of agricultural products.
Agricultural Production in the United States mostly agribusiness and commercial farms instead of local/smaller scaled farms
Environmental Implications of Agriculture the use of pesticides could harm humans, the amount of space it takes up,
Urban Sprawl and Agriculture higher demand agriculture near the center of urban sprawl
Organic Agriculture the use of crop rotation, natural fertilizers (manure), and biological pest control-as opposed to artificial fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, additives and GMOs- to promote healthy, vigorous crops
Primary Economic Activities Besides Agriculture food processing, packaging, storing, distributing, and retailing
Resource Terminology the decrease in resources
Fishing the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport, apart of the hunting and gathering method of survival
Aquaculture the cultivation of aquatic organisms (as fish or shellfish) especially for food
Forestry the art, science, and practice of studing and managing forests and plantations and related natural resources
Created by: 10034098
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