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Cerebral Palsy


spastic rigid
athetoid no muscle control
hypotonic floppy
ataxic combination of all symptoms of CP
hemiplegia CP of 1 arm, 1 leg on the same side of the body
diplegia both legs are effected
quadriplegia all 4 limbs, trunk, neck muscles
spastic displegia mostly rigid/tense muscles. Legs mainly affected. May have athetosis and balance problems
spastic diplegia Rigid muscles, mostly affecting one arm and leg on one side of the body.
Ataxic Diplegia Affects lower extremities and has balance coordination problems.
Cerebral Palsy A collection of motor disorders resulting from damage to the brain before, during, or after birth.
CP associated neurological problems MR, ADHD, epilepsy, visual impairment, swallowing difficulties, speech impairment, hearing loss.
CP associated orthopedic problems Scoliosis, hip dislocation, contractions of joints, discrepancy in leg length.
CP possible causes Chemical/drugs, severe malnutrition, rubella, toxoplasmosis, encephalitis.
CP between birth-6 months Asphyxia, poisoning, trauma, infections, meningitis, encephalitis.
ATNR (Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex) As the head is turned to one side, the arm and leg on the same side as the chin extend, while the opposite arm and leg flex. (prevents child from rolling over)
TLE (Tonic Labyrinth reflex) laying supine (back) and head slightly extended, shoulders retract and legs extend. Placed in prone, neck is flexed, shoulders roll in and legs flex. (prevents from sitting)
PSR (Positive support reflex) when the balls of feet touch a firm surface, the child extends the legs. (interferes with standing/walking)
cytomegalovirus virus that can cause injury to fetus' brain.
Conductive hearing loss problem in outer or middle ear, preventing sound from being conducted.
Sensorineural hearing loss damage to inner ear or auditory nerve itself.
strabismus cross eyed
amblyopia lazy eye
optic atrophy shrinking optic nerve due to damage.
nystagmus jerking movements of the eye in a vertical or horizontal direction.
Created by: deedramullen
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