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Geography Skills

This is basic geography information and terms

Measured/distance north and south of the equator Latitude
Measured/distance east and west of the Prime Meridian Longitude
What seasons begin the two equinoxes spring and autumn
What are Earth's three main layers core, mantle, and crust
how far is earth tilted on its axis 23 1/2 degrees
one orbit (revolution) for earth 1 year or 365 1/4 days
one complete rotation on earth's axis 24 hours or 1 day
plate tectonics a theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move by floating on top of liquid rock just below earth's surface
cracks in the Earth's crust. earth quakes can happen near these faults
The breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's surface. Weathering
the wearing away of soil and rock particles by waves, wind, running water, or glaciers Erosion
tells what the map is about map title
a picture that represents a real building, or place (such as a park) symbol
what the picture symbols on a map stand for map key
used to measure distance from place to place on a map distance scale
shows the cardinal directions compass rose
North, South, East, West cardinal directions
Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest intermediate directions
Zero degrees Longitude Prime Meridian
Zero degrees Latitude Equator
another name for lines of latitude parallels
another name for lines of longitude meridians
one half of the earth hemisphere
numbers in the geographic grid system that give latitude and longitude of a place geographic coordinates
Number of individuals of a particular species found in a specified area. population density
Refers to all the individuals of a given species in a specific area or region at a certain time population
Physical, chemical, or biological change in the characteristics of some component of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, or biosphere that adversely influences the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms. pollution
Latitude of 66.5° South. The northern limit of the area of the Earth that experiences 24 hours of darkness or 24 hours of day at least one day during the year. Antarctic Circle
Latitude of 66.5° North. The southern limit of the area of the Earth that experiences 24 hours of darkness or 24 hours of day at least one day during the year. Arctic Circle
Removal of trees from a habitat dominated by forest. Deforestation
Conversion of marginal rangeland or cropland to a more desert like land type. Desertification can be caused by overgrazing, soil erosion, prolonged drought, or climate change. Desertification
Is a sudden motion or trembling in the Earth. The motion is caused by the quick release of slowly accumulated energy in the form of seismic waves. Most earthquakes are produced along faults, tectonic plate boundaries, or along the mid-oceanic ridges. Earthquake
A line drawn almost parallel to the 180 degree longitude meridian that marks the location where each day officially begins. The location of the International Date Line was decided upon by international agreement. International Date Line
Resource that is finite in quantity and is being used faster than its ability to regenerate itself. Non-Renewable Resource
is a latitude and longitude (a global location) or a street address (local location). Absolute Location
described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another and may associate a particular place with another. Relative Locations
Latitude of 23.5° North. Northern limit of the Sun's declination. Tropic of Cancer
illustrate the physical features of an area, such as the mountains, rivers and lakes. The water is usually shown in blue. Colors are used to show relief—differences in land elevations. Physical map
do not show physical features. Instead, they indicate state and national boundaries and capital and major cities. A capital city is usually marked with a star within a circle. Political map
Latitude of 23.5° South. Southern limit of the Sun's declination. Tropic of Capricorn
people who buy and use products consumer
owners and workers producers
Wind, water, ice moving weathered material erosion
What is the strongest unifying force in a culture? language
People prefer to live in places that have good land, favorable climate, and what? Water
What are fossil fuels? Coal, oil, natural gas
Landform created by the deposit of sediment at the mouth of a river delta
Horizontal ridges built into the slopes of steep hillsides to prevent soil loss and aid farming terraces
Inderground, water-bearing layers of rock, sand, gravel aquifer
A slow increase in Earth's average temperature global warming
Dry area on the side of a mountain opposite the wind rain shadow
Materials needed and valued by people, such as soils and forests, that can be replaced by Earth's natural processes renewable resources
Resources, such as coal and oil, that cannot be replaced by Earth's natural processes nonrenewable resources
Nonrenewable resources formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals fossil fuels
A learned system of shared beliefs and ways of doing things that guide a person's daily behavior culture
Cultural groups of people who share learned beliefs and practices ethnic group
A highly complex culture with growing cities and economic activity civilization
Value of all goods and services that a country produces in one year within or outside the country gross national product (GNP)
Value of all goods and services produced within a country gross domestic product (GDP)
Percent of people who can read and write literacy rate
An economic system in which people, not government, decide what to make, sell, or buy free enterprise (market)
An economy in which business owners and consumers make decisions about what to make, sell, and buy market economy
An economy in which the government owns most of the industries and makes most of the economic decisions command economy
An exchange of goods and services based on at least two other types of economic systems mixed economy
Products a country sells to other countries exports
Products a country buys from other countries Products a country buys from other countries
Number of births per 1,000 people in a year birth rate
Number of deaths per 1,000 people in a year death rate
A great shortage of food famine
when a group of people try to kill/wipe out another group based on religion or race. genocide
A large region with little or no vegetation as a result of not receiving enough precipitation. desert
Created by: scraig
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