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Stack #155942

List some common risk factors for dehydration vomiting,diarrhea,burns,large draining wounds, extremes of age, motor limitations, unconciousness, surgery, diuretics, npo status, hypertonic enemas, or ng suctioning
1 lb corresponds to a change of ______ml 500
A change in which system are the most reliable indicators of plasma volume cardiovascular
What changes might be seen with dehydration increased HR, thready pulse, decreased BP, orthostatic hypotension, flat neck and hand veins and decreased peripheral pulses
When dehydration is accompanied by acidosis what respiratory pattern might be present Kussmaul's respirations
Is GI motility increased or decreased in dehydration decreased
What renal changes might be seen in dehydration decreased urine output, increased specific gravity
What changes might occur to the integumentary system with dehydration dry scaly skin, poor turgor, tongue fissured with paste like coating
What changes occur neuromuscularly with dehydration lethargy progressing to coma,may run low grade fever
Water and electrolytes are lost in equal proportions in this type of dehydration isotonic dehydration/hypovolemia
What are some compensatory actions for isotonic dehydration/hypovolemic increased heart rate, increased cardiac contractility, peripheral vasocontriction, arterial constriction, increased cardiac output, increased mean arterial pressure
What are some actions that the body takes when hypovolemia occurs ADH, aldosterone, and renin are secreted to increase renal reabsorption of sodium and water which increase effective circulating volume
This type of dehydration occurs when water loss exceeds electrolyte loss Hypertonic dehydration
In this type of dehydration fluid shifts from ICF to ECF can cause plasma volume to reach or exceed normal Hypertonic dehydration
What mechanisms does the body use to compensate for the decreased fluid volume/increased serum osmolality caused by hypertonic dehydration fluid shift(ICF to ECF), increased ADH, activation of thirst reflex, increased reabsorption of water, increased oral intake, decreased urine output
What are some causes of hypertonic dehydration hyperventilation,renal failure, excessive fluid replacement(hypertonic),tube feedings, excessive sodium bicarbonate administration, etc
Symptoms of hypertonic dehydration would include: hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, increased thirst, pitting edema
In this type of dehydration electrolyte loss exceeds water loss hypotonic dehydration
List several possible causes of hypotonic dehydration chronic illness, excessive fluid replacement(hypotonic), renal failure, severe malnutrition
What is the main manifestation of hypotonic dehydration skeletal muscle weakness
These IV fluids would be common to treat isotonic dehydration 0.9 NS, D5W, D51/4 NS, Lactated Ringers
0.45 NS would be used to treat this type of dehydration Hypertonic
D10W,0.9 NS, .45 NS, and D5 Lactated Ringers could all be used to treat which type of dehydration Hypotonic dehydration
Fluid intake or retention that exceeds body's needs is: Fluid overload
This type of overhydration results in excessive fluid in ECF, no fluid shift occurs Hypervolemia/isotonic overhydration
Hypervolemia has what major effects on the body Circulatory overload and interstitial edema
poorly controlled IV fluids, renal failure, and long term coricosteroid therapy are causes of this type of overhydration Hypervolemia/ Isotonic
How does the body compensate for hypervolemia Fluid shifts to intersitium, decreased ADH, increased ANF, increased renal excretion of sodium and water
This type of overhydration is characterized by a decrease in ECF osmolality, increase in hydrostatic pressure, fluid shift ECF to ICF, and all body compartments expand Hypotonic overhydration(water intoxification)
Causes of hypotonic overhydration can include: early renal failure, CHF, poorly controlled IV therapy,irrigation of wounds and cavities w/ hypotonic solution, SIADH
Overhydration characterized by: hyperosmolality of ECF, draws fluid from ICF Hypertonic
Excessive sodium intake, rapid infusion of hypertonic saline, and excessive sodium bicarbonate therapy are all causes for this type of overhydration Hypertonic
Created by: kitsmommy
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