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RADT 465 Rad. Protec
ARRT Registry Review
Question | Answer |
What is the whole body dose? | 50 mSv. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the dose limit for the entire gestation? | 5 mSv (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is linear energy transfer (LET)? | It is how much energy is deposited per unit length of track. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is protraction? | Radiation dose continuously at a low rate, not chance to recover. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is fracionation? | Equal doses delivered with time separations. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
How thick should a secondary barrier be? | 1/32 inch. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
How thick should a primary barrier be? | 1/16 inch. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the minimum lead equivalent for lead aprons? | .5 mm Pb/eq (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the minimum lead equivalent for glasses? | .35 Pb/eq (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the total filtration for an operating kV 50-70? | 1.5 mm Al (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the SI unit for rad? | grey, Gyt (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is in the TLD? | Lithium fluoride. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is in the OSL? | Aluminum oxide. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
Which dosimeter has a permanent record? | Film badge. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What are the three laws of Bergonie and Tribondeau? | 1. When the maturity is decreased, the radio sensitivity increases. 2. When mitotic activity increases, radio sensitivity increases 3. When the degree of specificity increases, the less sensitive it is. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is the most radio sensitive cell? | White blood cells- lymphocytes. (Prof. Schmuck's notes) |
What is bremsstrahlung radiaton? | Negative electron is attracted by the positively charged nucleus of the tungsten atom. It then is pulled off course and toward the nucleus, then it loses energy then goes out of the cell. (Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. p. 227). |
How is the most common x-ray production type? | Bremsstrahlung. (Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. p. 227). |
Is compton scatter high or low energy interaction? | High energy. (Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 228). |
What is a linear dose response? | The effect is proportional to the dose amount. (Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7). p. 231). |
What are some late effects? | Carcinogenesis, cataractogenesis, lifespan shortening. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 231) |
What is deterministic? | Threshold, non linear. Early effects. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 232). |
What is stochastic? | Non threshold, linear, genetic effects. Late effects. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 232) |
What is direct effect? | Inonizing energy interacts directly with DNA or another enzyme or protein. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 234) |
What is indirect effect? | Ionization away from the DNA. It breaks water molecules into smaller molecules. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 234). |
What ionization effect is more common? | Indirect. Saia,D. "Radiography PREP". 2012. (7) p. 234). |