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Manifest Destiny
manifest destiny vocab
Term | Definition |
Manifest Destiny | The country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific |
Mountain Men | A frontiersman living in the mountain wilderness |
Rendezvous | A meeting |
Emigrants | A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere. |
Oregon Trail | Trail that leads to Oregon |
Stephen F. Austin | Led 300 people to live in Texas |
Tejanos | Mexicans who claimed Texas as their home. |
Alamo | a Mission |
Sam Houston | Commander in Chief of the Texas forces |
Annex | Take control of. |
Battle of San Jancinto | Surprised attack caused Texans to win, Santa Anna signed a treaty. |
John C Fremont. | An Army officer |
Rancheros | Ranch Owners |
Rancho | Estate homes on mission lands |
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo | Mexico gave up Texas and agreed that Rio Grande was the border |
Mexican Cession | Mexican gave California and New Mexico to the United States for a price of $15 mil. |
Gadsden Purchase | A strip of land along the southern edge of present-day Arizona and New Mexico. |
Forty-niners | People who arrived to California in 1849 |
Boomtowns | Towns that seem to grow overnight |
Vigilantes | Common people created this group to protect themselves. |
Levi Strauss | A merchant who sold denim pants to the miners. |
Mormons | Members of the Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints |
Brigham Young | Took over as head of Mormon when Smith died, wanted Mormons to move west to the Great Salt Lake. |