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Manifest Destiny
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Mountain Men
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Manifest Destiny

manifest destiny vocab

Manifest Destiny The country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific
Mountain Men A frontiersman living in the mountain wilderness
Rendezvous A meeting
Emigrants A person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere.
Oregon Trail Trail that leads to Oregon
Stephen F. Austin Led 300 people to live in Texas
Tejanos Mexicans who claimed Texas as their home.
Alamo a Mission
Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Texas forces
Annex Take control of.
Battle of San Jancinto Surprised attack caused Texans to win, Santa Anna signed a treaty.
John C Fremont. An Army officer
Rancheros Ranch Owners
Rancho Estate homes on mission lands
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico gave up Texas and agreed that Rio Grande was the border
Mexican Cession Mexican gave California and New Mexico to the United States for a price of $15 mil.
Gadsden Purchase A strip of land along the southern edge of present-day Arizona and New Mexico.
Forty-niners People who arrived to California in 1849
Boomtowns Towns that seem to grow overnight
Vigilantes Common people created this group to protect themselves.
Levi Strauss A merchant who sold denim pants to the miners.
Mormons Members of the Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints
Brigham Young Took over as head of Mormon when Smith died, wanted Mormons to move west to the Great Salt Lake.
Created by: PetraRal
Popular U.S. History sets




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