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manifest. of cancer

medsurg I oncology: manifestations of cancer

Local manifestations obstruction, atrophy, necrosis, hemorrhage, ulceration, loss of function
Systemic manifestation: anemia indicates extent of dz. progression
Systemic: hemorrhage may be profound/ occult
Systemic: infection immune system compromise r/t dz. or treatment. fungi or g(-). overgrowth of normal body flora.
Common sites of infection lungs, GI tract, anorectal, skin, mouth, pharynx, urinary tract, bld. stream
Leading cause of death in cancer pt. infection
Systemic: malnutrition/ ill health anorexia/ cachexia
Systemic: fatigue r/t treatment, organize POC, teach pt. ways to conserve energy
Systemic: paraneoplastic syndrome effects r/t tumor at any phase of cancer process, r/t release of hormones,toxins by tumor, antigen-antibody complexes in effected area
Systemic: superior VC syndrome obstruction of SVC by tumor,
Manifestations of SVC syndrome facial, periorbital edema,distended neck/chest veins,headache,dizziness,visual distrubances,cough,dysphagia,chest pain,syncope,convulsions
Systemic: infarction formation of thrombi composed of cancer cells, occlude vessels of major organs
Systemic: organ failure tumor involvement of vital oragns
Systemic: spinal cord compression malignant tumor in epidural space
What tumors may cause spinal cord compression breast,lung,prostate& kidney tumors
manifestations of spinal cord compression back pain, motor/sensory dysfunction
Systemic: hypercalcemia electrolyte disorder occurs w/ cancer
What caused systemic hypercalcemia paraneoplastic syndrome/tumors w/ extensive bone involvement
Hypercalcemia can lead to irreversible renal failure,treat w/hydration,diuretic therapy, admin. mithramycin for severe cases
Systemic: pain acute/chronic, direct tumor involvement acc. for 70% pain, side effects of therapy may cause,
Goal of pain management provide relief for adeq. function, allow pain free death
Created by: tbell
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