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Georgia History Grade 8

Apprentice Somewho learns a particular skill from a master craftsman
Puritans Followers of a Christian Church who broke away from the Church of England
Parish Political and religious boundary
Common Sense Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that encouraged colonists to leave England
Proprietary colony Governed by a set of trustees. 1732-1752 for GA
Royal colony Governed by a Royal Governor who is appointed by the king
French and Indian War War that took place between England and France from 1754 to 1763
Palisades A fence of pales or stakes set firmly in the ground, as for enclosure or defense.
Cracker Undesirable people.
Independence Political or Economical Freedom
Sugar Act a law passed by the British Parliament in 1764 raising duties on foreign refined sugar imported by the colonies so as to give British sugar growers in the West Indies a monopoly on the colonial market.
Stamp Act an act of the British Parliament for raising revenue in the American Colonies by requiring the use of stamps and stamped paper for official documents, commercial writings, and various articles: it was to go into effect on November 1, 1765, but met with in
Liberty Boys Patriots who opposed the Stamp Act.
Townshend Act Placed import taxes on tea, paper, glass, and colouring for paint.1767
Quartering Act All British citizens had to house British soldiers at their own expense.
Second Continental Congress Held in Philadelphia, petitioned King George III, asking for no unfriendly steps toward the colonies.
Declaration of Independence The document in which the United States of America, declared their independence from Great Britain
Liberty Freedom
Ratified Approved
Articles of Confederation 1st Constitution of the United States
Seige the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible.
Treaty of Paris Ended the Revolutionary War
Created by: jstandeven
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