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FSCC Taber's
Taber's Prefixes and Suffixes
Question | Answer |
a-, an- | Without, away from, not. |
ab-,abs- | from; away from; absent. |
abdomin-, abdomino-, | abdomen |
abort-, aborto- | To miscarry. |
acous-, acoust-, acousto- | Hearing. |
acro- | Extremity; top; extreme point. |
ad- | Adherence; increase; toward. |
aden-, adeno- | Gland. |
adip-, adipo- | Fat. |
adren-, adreno- | Adrenal glands. |
-aemia | blood |
aer-, aero- | Air or gas. |
-aesthesia, aesthesio- | Sensation |
af- | Toward. |
-al. | Relating to (e.g, abdominal, intestinal). In chemistry, an aldehyde. |
albumin-, albumino- | Albumin. |
-algesia, -algia | Suffering; pain. |
algi- | pain |
allo-,all- | other |
amb-, ambi- | Both; on both sides; around; about. |
an-. ana-, an- | Up; against; back. |
andro- | Man; male; masculine |
angi-, angio- | Blood or lymph vessels. |
aniso- | Unequal; asymmetrical; dissimilar. |
ankyl-, ankylo- | Crooked; bent; fusion or growing together of parts. |
ante- | Before. |
antero- | Anterior; front; before. |
ant-, anti- | Against. |
apo- | From; derived from; separated from; opposed. |
arteri-, arterio-. | Artery. |
arthr-, arthro-. | Joint. |
-ase. | Enzyme. |
-asis, -esis, -iasis, -isis, -sis. | Condition; pathological state. |
astro-. | Star; star-shaped. |
atelo-. | Imperfect; incomplete. |
ather-, athero-. | Fatty plaque. |
atmo-. | Steam; vapor. |
atreto-. | Absence of an opening. |
aut-, auto-. | Self. |
axio-. | Axis; the long axis of a tooth. |
axo-. | Axis; axon. |
azot-, azoto-. | Nitrogenous compounds. |
cac-, caci-, caco-. | Bad; ill. |
calc-, calco-. | Calcium. |
calcan-, calcaneo-. | Calcaneum (heel bone). |
carcin-, carcino-. | Cancer. |
cardi-, cardio-. | Heart. |
carpo-. | Carpus. |
cary-, caryo-. cat-, cata-, cath-, kat-, kata-. | Down; downward; destructive; against; |
cath-. cel-, celo-. | 1. Tumor; hernia. 2. Cavity. |
-cele. | Tumor; swelling; hernia. |
cent-. | Hundred. |
cephal-, cephalo-. | Head. |
cerebell-, cerebello-. | Cerebellum. |
cervic-, cervico-. | Neck; the neck of an organ. |
cheil-, cheilo-. chem-, chemo-. | Chemical; drug. |
chil-, chilo-. | Lip; lips. |
chir-, chiro-. | Hand. |
chlor-, chloro-. | Green. |
chol-, chole-. | Bile; gall. |
cholangi-, cholangio-. | Bile vessel. |
cholecyst-, cholecysto-. | Gallbladder. |
choledoch-, choledocho-. | Bile duct. |
chondr-, chondro-. | Cartilage. |
chrom-, chromo-. | Color. |
-cide. | Causing death. |
cine-. | Movement. |
circum-. | Around. |
clavicul-, claviculo-. | Clavicle. |
-cle, -cule. | Little (e.g, molecule, corpuscle). |
cleid-, cleido-. | Clavicle. |
co-, com-, con-. | Together. |
colp-, colpo-. contra-. | Against; opposite. |
crani-, cranio-. | Skull; cranium. |
cry-, cryo-. | Cold. |
-cusia,-cusis. | Hearing. |
cyan-, cyano-. | Blue. |
cycl-, cyclo-. | Circular; cyclical; ciliary body of the eye. |
cyst-, cysto-, -cyst. | Cyst; urinary bladder. |
cyt-, cyto-, -cyte. | Cell. |
dacry-. | Tears. |
dactyl-, dactylo-. | Finger; toe. |
de-. | From; down; not. |
dec-, deca-. | Ten. |
deci-. | One tenth. |
demi-. | Half. |
dent-, denti-, dento-. | Teeth. |
derm-, derma-, dermato-, dermo-. | Skin. |
deuter-, deutero-, deuto-. | Second; secondary. |
dextro-. | Right. |
di-. | Double; twice; two; apart from. |
dia-. | Through; between; asunder. |
dipla-, diplo-. | Double; twin. |
dips-, dipso-. | Thirst. |
dis-. | Negative; double; twice; apart; absence of. |
dors-, dorsi-, dorso-. | Back. |
duoden-, duodeno-. | Duodenum. |
-dynia. | Pain. |
dys-. | Difficult; bad; painful. |
-eal. | Pertaining to. |
ec-, ecto-. | Out; on the outside. |
-ectomy. | Excision. |
ectro-. | Congenital absence of a part. |
ef-, es-, ex-, exo-. | Out. |
electr-, electro-. | Electricity. |
embol-, embolo-. | Plug. |
-emesis. | Vomiting. |
-emia. | Blood. |
en-. | In; into. |
enantio-. | Opposite. |
end-, endo-. | Within. |
ent-, ento-. | Within; inside. |
enter-, entero-. | Intestine. |
ep-, epi-. | Upon; over; at; in addition to; after. |
episi-, episio-. | Vulva. |
erythr-, erythro-. | Red. |
eschar-, escharo-. | Scab. |
-esis. esophag-, esophago-. | Esophagus. |
-esthesia. | Sensation. |
etio-. | Causation. |
eu-. | Well; good; healthy; normal. |
eury-. | Broad. |
ex-. | Out; away from; completely. |
exo-. | Out; outside of; without. |
extra-. | Outside of; in addition; beyond. |
-facient. | Causing; making happen. |
femor-, femoro-. | Thigh. |
-ferous. | Producing. |
ferri-, | ferro-. Iron. |
fibro-. | Fibers; fibrous tissues. |
fluo-. | Flow. |
fluor-, fluoro-. | Luminous; fluorescence. |
fore-. | Before; in front of. |
-form. | Form. |
-fuge. | To expel; to drive away; fleeing. |
galact-, galacto-. | Milk. |
gam-, gamo-. | Marriage; sexual union. |
gaster-, gastero-, gastr-, gastro-. | Stomach. |
gen-. | Producing; forming. |
-gen, -gene, -genesis, -genetic, -genic. | Producing; forming. |
glauc-, glauco-. | Gray. |
genito-. | Organs of reproduction. |
gero-. | Old age. |
giga-. | Billion. |
gingiv-, gingivo-. | Gums (of the mouth). |
-globin. | Protein. |
gloss-, glosso-. | Tongue. |
gluc-, gluco-, glyc-, glyco-. | Sugar; glycerol or similar substance. |
gnath-, gnatho-. | Jaw; cheek. |
-gog, -gogue. | To make flow. |
gon-, gono-. | Semen; seed; genitals; offspring. |
-gram. | A tracing; a mark. |
-graph. | Instrument used to make a drawing or record. |
-graphy. | Writing; record. |
-gravida. | Pregnant. |
gyn-, gyne-, gyneco-, gyno-. | Woman; female. |
gyro-. | Circle; spiral; ring. |
hem-, hema-, hemato-, hemo-. | Blood. |
hemi-. | Half. |
hepat-, hepato-. | Liver. |
heredo-. | Heredity. |
heter-, hetero-. | Other; different. |
hex-, hexa-. | Six. |
histo-. | Tissue. |
hol-, holo-. | Complete; entire; homogeneous. |
homeo-. | Likeness; resemblance; constant unchanging state. |
homo-. | Same; likeness. |
hydra-, hydro-, hydr-. | Water. |
hyo-. | Hyoid bone. |
hyp-, hyph-, hypo-. | Less than; below or under; beneath; deficient. |
hyper-. | Above; excessive; beyond. |
hypno-. | Sleep; hypnosis. |
hyster-, hystero-. | Uterus. |
-ia. | Condition, esp. an abnormal state. |
-iasis. -iatric. | Medicine; medical profession; physicians. |
-ic. | Pertaining to; relating to. |
ichthyo-. | Fish. |
-id. | Secondary skin eruption distant from primary infection site. |
ideo-. | Mental images. |
idio-. | Individual; distinct. |
ileo-. | Ileum. |
ilio-. | Ilium; flank. |
im-. immun-, immuno-. Immune; | immunity. |
in-. | In; inside; within; intensive action; negative. |
infra-. | Below; under; beneath; inferior to; after. |
inter-. | Between; in the midst. |
intra-, intro-. | Within; in; into. |
ipsi-. | Same; self. |
irid-, irido-. | Iris. |
ischio-. | Ischium. |
-isis. -ism. | Condition; theory. |
iso-. | Equal. |
-ite. | 1. Of the nature of. 2. In chemistry, a salt of an acid with the termination -ous. |
-itis. | Inflammation of. |
-ize. | To treat by special method. |
jejuno-. | Jejunum. |
juxta-. | Close proximity. |
kary-, karyo-, cary-, caryo-. | Nucleus; nut. |
kat-, kata-. kera-, kerato-. | Horny substance; cornea. |
ket-, keto-. | Ketone bodies (acids and acetones). |
kilo-. | Thousand. |
kinesi-, kino-, -kinesis. | Movement. |
klepto-. | To steal. |
kolp-, kolpo-, colp-, colpo-. | Vagina. |
kypho-. | Humped. |
kysth-, kystho-. | Vagina. |
lab-, labi-. | Lip. |
lact-. | Milk. |
laparo-. | Flank; abdominal wall. |
laryng-, | aryngo-. |
latero-. | Side. |
leio-. | Smooth. |
lepido-. | Flakes; scales. |
-lepsy. | Seizure. |
lepto-. | Thin; fine; slight; delicate. |
leuk-, leuko-, leuc-. | White; white blood cell. |
linguo-. | Tongue. |
lip-, lipo-. | Fat. |
-lite, -lith, lith-, litho-. | Stone; calculus. |
-logia, -logy. | Science of; study of. |
lord-, lordo-. | Curve; swayback. |
lumbo-. | Loins. |
lyo-. | Loosen; dissolve. |
-lysis. | 1. Loosen; dissolve. 2. In medicine, reduction of; relief from. |
macr-, macro-. | Large; long. |
mal-. | Ill; bad; poor. |
mamm-, mammo-. | Breast. |
-mania. | Frenzy; madness. |
mast-, masto-. | Breast. |
meat-, meato-. | Opening; meatus. |
med-, medi-, medio-. | Middle. |
medull-, medullo-. | Soft inner part; medulla. |
mega-, megal-, megalo-. | Large; of great size. |
-megalia, -megaly. | Enlargement of a body part. |
meio-, mio-. | Less; smaller. |
melan-, melano-. | Black. |
mening-, meningo-. | Meninges. |
menta-, mento-. | Mind. |
mes-, meso-. | 1. Middle. 2. In anatomy, the mesentery. 3.In medicine, secondary; partial. |
mesio-. | Toward the middle. |
meta-. | 1. Change; transformation; next ina series. 2. In chemistry, the 1,3 positionof benzene derivatives. |
metacarp-, metacarpo-. | Metacarpus (bones of the hand). |
-meter. | Measure. |
metr-, metra-, metro-. | Uterus. |
micr-, micro-. | Small. |
mio-. mon-, mono-. | Single; one. |
muc-, muci-, muco-, myxa-, myxo-. | Mucus. |
multi-. | Many; much. |
musculo-, my-, myo-. | Muscle. |
my-, myo-. myc-, myco-. | Fungus. |
myel-, myelo-. | Spinal cord; bone marrow. |
myring-, myringo-. | Tympanic membrane, eardrum. |
myx-, myxo-. nano-. | 1. One billionth. 2. Dwarfism (nanism). |
narco-. | Numbness; stupor. |
naso-. | Nose. |
necr-, necro-. | Death; necrosis. |
neo-. | New; recent. |
nephr-, nephra-, nephro-. | Kidney. |
neur-, neuri-, neuro-. | Nerve; nervous system. |
nitr-, nitro-. | Nitrogen. |
non-. | No. |
normo-. | Normal; usual. |
noso-. | Disease. |
noto-. | The back. |
nucleo-. | Nucleus. |
nyct-, nycto-. | Night; darkness. |
ob-. | Against. |
occipit-, occipito-. | Occiput. |
octa-, octo-. | Eight. |
oculo-. | Eye. |
-ode, -oid. | Form; shape; resemblance. |
odont-, odonto-. | Tooth; teeth. |
-odynia, odyno-. | Pain. |
-oid. oleo-. | Oil. |
olig-, oligo-. | Few; small. |
-ology. | Science of; study of. |
-oma. | Tumor. |
omo-. | Shoulder. |
omphal-, omphalo-. | Navel. |
onco-. | Tumor; swelling; mass. |
onych-, onycho-. | Fingernails; toenails. |
oo-, ovi-, ovo-. | Egg; ovum. |
oophor-, oophoro-, oophoron-. | Ovary. |
ophthalm-, ophthalmo-. | Eye. |
-opia. | Vision. |
opisth-, opistho-. | Backward. |
-opsy. | View of. |
optico-, opto-. | Eye; vision. |
orchi-, orchid-, orchido-. | Testicle. |
-orexia. | Appetite. |
oro-. | Mouth. |
orth-, ortho-. | Straight; correct; normal; in proper order. |
os-. | Mouth; bone. |
oscheo-. | Scrotum. |
-ose. | 1. Carbohydrate. 2. Primary alteration of a protein. |
-osis. | Condition; status, process; abnormal increase. |
osmo-. | 1. Odor; smell. 2. Impulse. 3. Osmosis. |
oste-, osteo-. | Bone. |
-ostomosis, -ostomy, -stomosis, -stomy. | A created mouth or outlet. |
ot-, oto-. | Ear. |
-otomy. | Cutting. |
-ous. | 1. Possessing; full of. 2. Pertaining to. |
ovi-, ovo-. ox-. | Oxygen. |
oxy-. | 1. Sharp; keen; acute; acid; pungent. 2. Oxygen in a compound. 3. Hydroxyl group. |
pach-, pachy-. | Thick. |
-pagus. | Twins joined at a specific site (e.g, craniopagus). |
pali-, palin-. | Recurrence; repetition. |
pan-. | All; entire. |
pant-, panto-. | All or the whole of something. |
papulo-. | Pimple; papule. |
para-, -para. | 1. Prefix: near; alongside of; departurefrom normal. 2. Suffix: Bearing offspring. |
patell-, patello-. | Patella; kneecap. |
path-, patho-, -path, -pathic, -pathy. | Disease; suffering. |
ped-, pedi-, pedo-. | Foot. |
pedia-. | Child. |
pedicul-, pediculo-. | Louse. |
-penia. | Decrease from normal; deficiency. |
pent-, penta-. | Five. |
-pepsia. | Digestion. |
per-. | Throughout; through; utterly; intense. |
peri-. | Around; about. |
perineo-. | Perineum. |
peritoneo-. | Peritoneum. |
pero-. | Deformed. |
petro-. | Stone; the petrous portion of the temporal bone. |
-pexy. | Fixation, usually surgical. |
phaco-. | Lens of the eye. |
phag-, phago-. | Eating; ingestion; devouring. |
phalang-, phalango-. | Phalanges (bones of fingers and toes). |
phall-. | Penis. |
pharmaco-. | Drug; medicine. |
pharyng-, pharyngo-. | Pharynx. |
-phasia. | Speech. |
-phil, -philia, -philic. | Love for; tendency toward; craving for. |
phlebo-. | Vein. |
-phobia. | Abnormal fear or aversion. |
phono-. | Sound; voice. |
-phoresis. | Transmission. |
-phoria. | In ophthalmology, a turning with reference to the visual axis. |
photo-. | Light. |
phren-, phreno-, -phrenia. | Mind; diaphragm. |
-phylaxis. | Protection. |
physico-. | Physical; natural. |
physio-. | Rel. to nature. |
physo-. | Air; gas. |
phyt-, phyto-. | Plant; something that grows. |
pico-. | One trillionth. |
picr-, picro-. | Bitter. |
-piesis. | Pressure. |
pimel-, pimelo-. | Fat. |
plagio-. | Slanting; oblique. |
-plakia. | Plaque. |
-plasia. | Growth; cellular proliferation. |
plasm-, -plasm. | 1. Prefix: Living substance or tissue. 2. Suffix: To mold. |
-plastic. | Molded; indicates restoration of lost or badly formed features. |
platy-. | Broad. |
-plegia. | Paralysis; stroke. |
pleur-, pleuro-. | Pleura; side; rib. |
-ploid. | Chromosome pairs of a specific number. |
plur-, pluri-. | Several; more. |
pneo-. | Breath; breathing. |
pneum-, pneuma-, pneumato-. | Air; gas; respiration. |
pneumo-, pneumono-. | Air; lung. |
pod-, podo-. | Foot. |
poikil-, poikilo-. | Varied, irregular. |
-poiesis, -poietic. | Production; formation. |
polio-. | Gray matter of the nervous system. |
poly-. | Much; many. |
post-. | After. |
postero-. | Posterior; behind; toward the back. |
-praxis. | 1. Act; activity. 2. Practice; use. |
pre-. | Before; in front of. |
presby-. | Old age. |
pro-. | Before; in behalf of. |
proct-, procto-. | Anus; rectum. |
proso-. | Forward, anterior. |
prostat-, prostato-. | Prostate gland. |
proto-. | 1. First. 2. In chemistry, the lowest of a series of compounds with the sameelements. |
pseud-, pseudo-. | False. |
psych-, psycho-. | Mind; mental processes. |
psychro-. | Cold. |
-ptosis. | Prolapse, downward displacement. |
pubio-, pubo-. | Pubic bone or region. |
pulmo-. | Lung. |
py-, pyo-. | Pus. |
pycn-, pycno-, pykn-, pykno-. | Dense; thick; compact; frequent. |
pyelo-. | Pelvis. |
pyg-, pygo-. | Buttocks. |
pykn-, pykno-. pyle-. | Orifice, esp. of the portal vein. |
pyloro-. | Gatekeeper; applied to the pylorus. |
pyreto-. | Fever. |
pyro-. | Heat; fire. |
quadr-, quadri-. | Four. |
quinqu-. | Five. |
rachi-, rachio-. | Spine. |
radio-. | 1. Radiant energy; a radioactive substance. 2. In chemistry, a radioactive isotope. |
re-. | Back; again. |
recto-. | Straight; rectum. |
ren-, reno-. | Kidney. |
reticulo-. | Reticulum. |
retro-. | Backward; back; behind. |
rhabdo-. | Rod. |
rheo-, -(r)rhea. | Current; stream; to flow; to discharge. |
rhino-. | Nose. |
rhizo-. | Root. |
rhodo-. | Red. |
roseo-. | Rose-colored. |
-(r)rhage, -(r)rhagia. | Rupture; profuse fluid discharge. |
-(r)rhaphy. | A suturing or stitching. |
-(r)rhexis. | Rupture of a specific body part. |
sacchar-, saccharo-. | Sugar. |
sacro-. | Sacrum. |
salping-, salpingo-. | Auditory tube; fallopian tube. |
sapro-. | Putrid; rotten. |
sarco-. | Flesh. |
scapho-. | Boat-shaped; scaphoid. |
scapulo-. | Shoulder. |
scato-. | Dung; fecal matter. |
schisto-. | Split; cleft. |
schizo-. | Division. |
scirrho-. | Hard; hard tumor or scirrhus. |
sclero-. | Hard; relating to the sclera. |
-sclerosis. | Dryness; hardness. |
-scope. | Instrument for viewing or examining (includes other methods of examination). |
-scopy. | Examination. |
scoto-. | Darkness. |
sebo-. | Fatty substance. |
semi-. | Half. |
septi-. | Seven. |
sero-. | Serum. |
sesqui-. | One and one half. |
sial-, sialo-. | Saliva. |
sidero-. | Iron; steel. |
-sis. sitio-, sito-. | Bread; made from grain; food. |
skeleto-. | Skeleton. |
skia-. | Shadow. |
sodio-. | Sodium. |
somat-, somato-. | Body. |
spectro-. | Appearance; image; form; spectrum. |
sperma-, spermat-, spermato-. | Sperm; spermatozoa. |
spheno-. | Wedge; sphenoid bone. |
sphygmo-. | Pulse. |
spir-, spiro-. | Breathe. |
spleno-. | Spleen. |
spondyl-, spondylo-. | Vertebra. |
spongio-. | Spongelike. |
staphylo-. | Uvula; bunch of grapes; Staphylococcus. |
steato-. | Fat. |
steno-. | Narrow; short. |
sterco-. | Feces. |
stere-, stereo-. | Three dimensions. |
sterno-. | Sternum. |
stetho-. | Chest. |
stomato-. | Mouth. |
-stomosis, -stomy. strepto-. | Twisted. |
sub-. | Under; beneath; in small quantity; less than normal. |
super-. | Above; beyond; superior. |
supra-. | Above; beyond; on top. |
sym-. | With; together with; along; beside. |
syn-. | Joined; together. |
tachy-. | Swift; rapid. |
taen-, taeni-, ten-, teni-. | Tapeworm. |
tarso-. | Flat of the foot; edge of the eyelid. |
tauto-. | Same. |
techno-. | Art; skill. |
tel-, tele-. | 1. End. 2.Distant. |
teleo-. | Perfect; complete. |
temporo-. | Temples of the head. |
ten-, teni-. tendo-, teno-. | Tendon. |
ter-. | Three. |
tera-. | One trillionth. |
terato-. | Severely malformed fetus. |
tetra-. | Four. |
thalamo-. | Chamber; part of the brain where a nerve originates; thalamus. |
thanato-. | Death. |
theco-. | Sheath; case; receptacle. |
thermo-. | Hot; heat. |
thio-. | Sulfur. |
thorac-, thoraci-, thoraco-. | Chest; chest wall. |
thrombo-. | Blood clot; thrombus. |
thymo-. | 1. Thymus. 2. Soul; emotions. |
thy-, thyro-. | Thyroid gland; oblong; shield. |
thyroid-, thyroido-. | Thyroid gland. |
toco-. | Childbirth. |
-tome. | Cutting instrument. |
tomo-. | Section; layer. |
-tomy. | Cutting operation; excision. |
ton-, tono-. | Tension. |
top-, topo-. | Place; locale. |
tox-, toxi-, toxico-, toxo-, -toxic. | Toxin; poison; toxic. |
trachelo-. | Neck. |
tracheo-. | Trachea; windpipe. |
trans-. | Across; over; beyond; through. |
traumato-. | Trauma. |
tri-. | Three. |
trich-, trichi-, tricho-. | Hair. |
troph-, tropho-, -trophic. | Nourishment. |
-tropin. | Stimulation of a target organ by a substance, esp. a hormone. |
tubo-. | Tube. |
tympan-, tympano-. | Eardrum; tympanum. |
typhlo-. | 1. Cecum. 2. Blindness. |
typho-. | Fever; typhoid. |
ulo-. | Scar; scarring. |
ultra-. | Beyond; excess. |
uni-. | One. |
uretero-. | Ureter. |
urethro-. | Urethra. |
-uria. | Urine. |
urin-, urino, uro-. | Urine. |
uter-, utero-. | Uterus. |
vagin-, vagino-. | Vagina. |
varic-, varico-. | Dilated vein. |
vaso-. | Vessel (e.g, blood vessel). |
veno-. | Vein. |
ventro-, | ventr-, ventri-. Abdomen; anterior surface of the body. |
vertebro-. | Vertebra; vertebrae. |
vesico-. | Bladder; vesicle. |
viscero-. | Viscera. |
vitr-, vitro-, vitre-, vitreo-. | Vitreous body (eye); glassy. |
vulvo-. | Covering; vulva. |
xanth-. | Yellow. |
xeno-. | Strange; foreign. |
xero-. | Dry. |
xiph-, | xiphi-, xipho-. Xiphoid cartilage. |
zoo-. | Animal; animal life. |