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LCC nursing

jami dannels notes

what are the 3 injection sites for IM? Deltoid, vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal
Give IM at what degree? 90
what is an air lock? air bubble that is drawn into the syringe to help the medication all be expelled from the syringe.
what are the steps to giving the injection? go in at 90 degrees pull back on plunger to make sure not into an artery inject
always apirate except? heprin and novalin
how do you know where the deltoid is? acromian process, three fingers below, inject
how do you know where the vastus lateralis? divide leg in 1/2 in front and on the side. Put a hand on the knee and on the greater trochanter
how do you know where the ventrogluteal is? palm of hand on greater trochanter and thumb toward the groin. index finger on the illiac creast.
when do you chart the meds in the MAR? right after you administer them.
what are the routes of administration? oral- sublingual, buccalparenteral- SQ, IM, IV, IDtopicalinhailantsitraocular
what is the key to avoiding med errors? PREVENTION
How many identifiers do you use when administering meds and what are they? 2 identifiers birthdate, ID number, and have Pt. state full name.
What are the six rights for med administration? right med, dose, Pt., route, time, documentation.
compare label on meds how many times and when? verify 3 times.before removing the med container, as you remove the amount of med, before returning the container to the cart.
what is the needle size for SQ 3/8 to 5/8
IM needle size 1/4 to 3 inches
what will slow the absorption of IM and SQ injections fat poor circulationedemashock
PC 30 minutes after meals
AC 30 minutes before meals
med orders need what Pt full name date and time order written drug name dosage route time and frequency signature of prescriber
best way to measure liquid meds is use a syringe
maximum ML in IM sites 2 ML adults 1 ML child and infant
SQ maximum ML 1 ML
urinary assessment includes what hx patterns symptoms factors affecting
common urinary problems urinary retentionUTIurinary incontinence
types of urinary incontinence total functionalstressurge reflex
urinary diversions urostomy
common urinary problem sx's urgency, dysuria, frequency, hesitancy, polyuria, oliguria, nocturia, dribbleing, hematuria, retention, residual urine
urinary elimination physical assessment skin and mucous membraneskidney flankbladderuretheral meatus I&Ourine characteristics
types of lab for Urinanalysis UAclean catchsterile 24 hr urine
pH value 4.6 to 8.0
protien value up to 8mg/100ml
glucose values normally not present
ketones values normally not present
blood values up to 2 RBC
specific gravity values 1.01 to 1.03
when do you need to document medications immediatly after giving
assessment nursing process med administration medication hx medical hxdiet hx
nursing diagnosis use these while administering meds anxiety, ineffective health maintenence, health seeking behaviors, deficient knowledge, noncompliance, effective therapuetic regimen managment, ineffective family therapuetic regimen managment
routes of med adm. oral-sublingual, buccalparenteral-SQ, IM, IV, IDtopical inhalantsintraocular
how many times do you read med labels 3
how many Pt identifiers do you use 2
6 rights for med adm. right route, time, med, dose, Pt, documentation
what meds cant be crushed enteracoatedtime releasedextended released
diagnostic tests non invasive and invasive non invasive-KUB, IVPinvasive- endoscope, arteriogram
types of catheters foley suprapubicstraightcondom
constipation fewer dry and hard
impaction results from constipation
diarrhea increased frequency loose
elimination problems incontinance flatulance hemorrhoidsbowel diversions
bowel elimination assessment chewing food and fluid intake stress level normal is different for each person
physical assessment bowel assessment inspect teeth and gums mucous membranes in mouth mobility anal sphincter functionpalpate abdomem
fecal characteristics color odorconsistenctyfrequency amount shape constituents
health promotion activities diet exercisefluids timing and privacy promotion of normal defecation
medications (laxatives) stimulants saline or osmotic agents wetting or stool softeners bulk forming lubricants
enemas are given to stretch rectal wallbreak up stoolstimulate peristalsis
enemas common uses constipationfecal impaction removal cleanse for tests, surg, childbirthbeginning bowel training
enema types cleansing high or low oil retention
types of cleansing enemas tap water normal saline low volume hypertonic salinesoapsuds
Enemas til clear means give 3 but no more than that
bowel training normal routine time 1 hr p breakfast positionfluids diet exercisepossible glycerin supp.
ostomy care pouch is wornskin barrierirrigate daily flatulance skin integrity
hemorrhoids watch what diet fluids exercise
how do you relieve pain from hemorrhoids heat sitzlub. jelly stool stofteners
causes of flatulance gum carbonationstraws
treatment for flatulance walk rectal tube watch foods
temp of water for enema 95-102
if cramping occurs during enema what do you do stop flow
administer enemas at what height 12-18 inches, hold for 5 min.
aluminum does what neutralizes but constipates
magnesium does what neutralizes but causes diarrhea
calcium does what neutralizes but watch for kidney stone formation
antacids are known for what they neutralize acid
therapuetic uses antacids neutralize acid
side effects of antacids diarrhea constipationhypercalcemia
antacid interactions reduces absorption(chelation)drugs cant releasechemical inactivation(due to decreased acid in stomach)increased stomach pHincreased urinary pH
H2 antagonists these drugs reduce acid secretion, works on preventing acid formatin in the body
H2 antagonists action decreases the production of HCL
H2 antagonists drug effects decreased production of acid doesnt allow histamine to bind
H2 antagonists therapeutic uses decrease acid
proton pump inhibitors action blocks all acid secretion
proton pump inhibitors drug effects no gastric acid secretion
proton pump inhibitors therapeutic uses GERDerosive esophagitis duidenal ulcer
proton pump inhibitors interactons valium, dilantin, coumadin
sucralfate action protective agent, binds to erosions and ulcers and form a barrier
carafate therapeutic uses PUD
carafate interactions some antiabsorption of tetracycline avoid this by taking on empty stomach
antidiarrheal categories absorbents anti cholinergics intestinal flora modifiers
hypertension you have a risk factor for strok CHFrenal failure PVDCAD
what is JNC-7 individualized plan of care
HTN defined by what cause
unknown cause of HTN is what % 90
secondary HTN 10%
what are the 3 classifications of causes of HTN essentialidiopathic primary
what + what = BP cardiac output + systemic vascular resistance
what is the receptor for PSNS and SNS nicotinic receptor
Created by: jdannels
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