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Stack #160309

What hormones are produced in the anterior portion of the pituitary gland TSH,ACTH,growth hormone(GH), LH, FSH, and prolactin, etc.
What hormones are produced in the posterior pituitary ADH and oxytocin
What are the thyroid hormones? Thyroxine(T$),tricodothyronine(T3), and cacitonin
Why are thyroid hormones measured in conjunction with TSH? TSH levels will determine if the problem exists in the thyroid gland or if it is a pituitary problem
What are the functions of the thyroid increases metabolic rate, growth and development, increases cardiovascular functioning, increases GI activity, mobilization of calcium,increases heat production, increases muscle tone, increases RBC production, and increases GFR
What is hyperthyroidism overactivity of thyroid marked by hypersecretion of hormone resulting in increased metabolism
What are some causes of hyperthyroidism Graves disease (or other autoimmune disorder),inflammation of gland(via infection), hormone administration(to treat other disorder ex. hypothyroidism), or cancer
What CNS symptoms might a patient display with hyperthyroidism? increased anxiety,restlessness,nervousness, or tremors
What cardiovascular symptoms might a patient with hyperthyroidism display increased HR, palpatations, increased systolic pressure
What are the GI symptoms of hyperthyroidism increased appetite with weight loss,nausea, vomiting,diarrhea
What are the integumentary symptoms of hyperthyroidism poor tolerance to heat,flush, warm , soft moist skin
What other signs might be present to indicate hyperthyroidism enlarged thyroid, goiter,exopthalmus,ammenorrhea,tachypnea/dyspnea, or photophobia
What medications are used to manage hyperthyroidism Methlymazole(Tapazole) or Propylthioracil(propacil) to inhibit synthesis of thyroid hormone
How long before medications to treat hyperthyroidism become effective about 8 weeks
When might thyroid surgery become an option to a patient Graves disease, young, cancer, thyroid enlarged(causing trach compression), or unresponsive to meds
When is Lugol administered? It is given prior to thyroid surgery to decrease size and vascularity of gland
What are some major complications of thyroid surgery bleeding(site is very vascular),pharyngeal nerve damage( weak voice or hoarseness), or parathyroid nicking(decreased calcium)
What signs and symptoms might manifest is a patient is experiencing a thyroid storm/crisis severe tachycardia(up to 160 bpm),hyperthermia(102-106F),diaphoresis,psychosis(hallucinations,agitation)
What is hypothyroidism underactivity of thyroid gland resulting in hyposecretion of hormone causing a decreased body metabolism
What is secondary hypothroidism the problem is the failure of the pituitary glad to stimulate thyroid to produce hormone
What is Hashimotos Thyroiditis an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks and destroys thyroid, accounts for 1/4 of all cases and has a genetic predisposition
What are the neurological signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism extreme fatigue, slow speech, lethargy
What cardiovascular symptoms might you see in hypothyroidism bradycardia and mild diastolic hypertension
What GI symptoms might manifest in hypothyroidism anorexia, weight gain, constipation,and abdominal distension
What integumentary symptoms might be seen in hyperthyroidism dry skin, brittle nails,low temp, and hair loss
What other signs might indicate hypothyroidism cold sensation, menstrual disturbances, painful joints
What are common medications to treat hypothyroidism synthroid or levothyroxine (citomel is mostly used illegaly)
What is goiter it is a hyperatropy of the thyroid gland that occurs because of an increase in TSH in hypo this is b/c there is insufficient iodine, in hyper it is due to abnormal stimulation like Graves disease
How can goiter be avoided high iodine intake, high fiber diet, avoid certain veggies(soy beans, rutabegas, and turnips) and avoid certain medications like lithium
Created by: kitsmommy
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