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PT EVAL 5 Review

What does a CBC(Complete blood count)measure? Complete blood count measurement of all major ingredients of the blood
RBC(Red Blood Cells)Description Contain hemoglobin necessary for oxygen transport
RBC(Red Blood Cells) Normal Value/Range 4-6 mil/mm3
RBC(Red Blood Cells) Significance of Low Values Anemia= occurs with blood loss,hemorrhage
RBC(Red Blood Cells) Significance of High Values Polcythemia= occurs with chronic tissue hypoxemia (i.e. COPD)
Hb(Hemoglobin)Description Carries oxygen (1.34 ml per gram Hb)
Hb(Hemoglobin) Normal Value/Range 12-16 gm/100 mL blood(g/dl)
Hb(Hemoglobin) Significance of Low Values Anemia
Hb(Hemoglobin)Significance of High Values Polcythemia
Hct(Hematocrit) Description Spin the whole blood and measure the % of RBC in the original blood volume.
Hct(Hematocrit) Normal Value/Range 40-50%
Hct(Hematocrit) Significance of Low Values Anemia
Hct(Hematocrit) Significance of High Values Polcythemia
WBC(White Blood Cells) Description are used by the body to fight infections
WBC(White Blood Cells) Normal Value/Range 5,000-10,000 per mm3
WBC(White Blood Cells) Significance of Low Values (leukopenia)= Viral Infection
WBC(White Blood Cells) Significance of High Values (leukocytosis) = Bacterial Infection
What are neutrophils? Major WBC(White Blood Cells)
Describe the difference between Bands and Segs: BANDS Immature cells: normally 4% of WBC; Increased with Bacterial Infections
Describe the difference between Bands and Segs: SEGS mature cells: normally 60% of WBC; Decreased with Bacterial Infections
What Pathology would show an increase in eosinophils? asthma; 2% of WBC; Increased with ALLERGIC Reactions (Produce Yellow Sputum)
What are electrolytes and what is their function? Elements required by the body for normal metabolism, Closely associated with fluid levels and kidney fuction
Describe the signs and symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance? Muscle weakness, soreness, Nausa Mental changes(Lethargy, Dizziness,Drowiness)
Dscription of Na+ Sodium Major:Extracellular Cation Controlled by kidneys
Normal Value/Range of Na+ Sodium 135-145 mEq/L range
Significance of Low Values of Na+ Sodium Hyponatremia Fluid loss from diuretics,vomiting,diarrhea,fluidgain from CHF,IV therapy
Significance of High Values of Na+ Sodium HYPERnatremia Dehydration
Dscription of K+(Potassium) Major: Intracellular Cation. Important for acid-base balance.
Normal Value/Range of K+ (Potassium) 3.5-4.5 mEq/L range
Significance of Low Values of K+(Potassium) Hypokalemia-(Metabolic Alkalosis) excessive excertion, renal loss, vomiting, Flattened T waves
Significance of High Values of K+(Potassium) HYPERkalemia-(Metabolic ACIDOSIS)Kidney failure,spiked T wave
Dscription of Cl- (Chloride) Major: Extracellular Anion.
Normal Value/Range of Cl- (Chloride) Normal: 80-100 mEq/L range
Significance of Low Values of Cl- (Chloride) Hypochloremia: (Metabolic alkalosis)
Significance of High Values of Cl- (Chloride) HYPERchloremia: (Metabolic ACIDOSIS )
Dscription of HCO3-
Normal Value/Range of HCO3-
Significance of Low Values of HCO3-
Significance of High Values of HCO3-
What does creatinie evaluate?
What would an increase in BUN indicate?
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? MUCIOD
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? YELLOW
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? GREEN
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? BROWN
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? BRIGHT RED
What would each of the following types of sputum be associated with? PINK FROTHY
What bacteria is identified by an acid fast stain?
What information is obtained from a gram stain?
Dscription of BLEEDING TIME
Normal Value of BLEEDING TIME
Signifance of test of BLEEDING TIME
Dscription of PLATELET COUNT
Normal Value of PLATELET COUNT
Signifance of test of PLATELET COUNT
Dscription of URINALYSIS
Normal Value of URINALYSIS
Normal Value of URINALYSIS
Drecribe the clinical use of the following Equipment OSCILLOSCOPE
Drecribe the clinical use of the following Equipment ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH
Drecribe the clinical use of the following Equipment HOLTER MONITOR
Briefly describe the electrophysiology of the heart.
Labbel the waves on the following tracing
Labbel the P waves on the following tracing
Labbel the Q waves on the following tracing
Labbel the S waves on the following tracing
Labbel the T waves on the following tracing
Created by: Cam1228
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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