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CCMA study guide

What are laws? Laws are rules of conduct made by a government body
What are criminal laws? Criminal laws are concerned with offenses against the public
What are civil laws? civil laws are concerned with relationships between people
What is tort? Tort is a wrong committed against a person or the person’s property. Torts may be intentional or unintentional.
What is liable? Liable is being held accountable under law
What is negligence? Negligence is an unintentional wrong.
What is malpractice? Malpractice is negligence by a professional person (unintentional)
Difference between libel and slander? Libel is written and slander is spoken.
Fraud Fraud is saying or doing something to trick, fool or deceive a person.
What is assault? Assault is intentionally attempting to touch or threaten a person’s body without their consent
What is battery? Battery is touching a person’s body without their consent
What is a misdemeanor? A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by one year or less
What is a felony? A felony is a crime punishable by more than one year
What are kinesics? Kinesics–the study of nonverbal communication
What is a kinesic slip? Where verbal and nonverbal messages do not match.
What the the distances for zones of comfort? intimate space (18 inches or closer) personal space (18 in. to 4 ft) social space (4 ft to 12 ft) public space (12 ft or more)
Email etiquette Use a personal name if your system allows it. Subject line. Do not use caps ALWAYS CHECK WHO THE RECEIVER OF THE EMAIL IS. Use “please” and “thank you”. Email could be used as a legal document. Never threaten or intimidate someone; even in jest.
What is a charting narrative? Narrative–written description of patient’s visits in chronological order
What are SOAP notes? SOAP Note Charting–method that tracks subjective, objective, assessment and plan for a patient’s visit
What are subjective symptoms? Subjective–patient’s statements (chief complaint)
What are objective symptoms? observations made by the medical assistant, examination findings and vital signs.
What is the "A" in SOAP? Assessment–doctor’s diagnosis
What is the "p" is SOAP? Plan–health care providers prescribed plan of action
POMR Problem-Oriented Medical Record Charting tracks a patient’s problems throughout medical care. Each problem is assigned a number and the number is referenced when the patient comes in for care.
What are progress notes? Progress Notes–daily chart notes made during patient’s visits to document patient progress with certain conditions.
What are medical records? Medical Records are a written account of a person’s condition and response to treatment and care.
What are the parts to a medical record? Admission sheet,Nursing history,Graphic sheet, Progress notes,Flow sheets,recording and the written account of care and observations Assessment involves collecting information about the person and observation is using the senses.
Where is ventral? Front part of body
Where is dorsal? Back part of body
Where is anterior? Anterior–in front of
Where is posterior? Posterior–toward the back part of body
Where is medial? Medial–towards the midline of the body
Where is lateral? Lateral–towards the side of the body
Where is proximal? Proximal–closest to the point of origin
Where is distal? Distal–away from the point of origin
Where does the frontal plane split? Frontal plane–divides the body into front and back portions
Where does the transverse plane split? Transverse plane-divides the body into upper and lower portions
Normal anatomic position standing with arms lank and palms forward
Supine Lying on the spine.
Prone Lying on the tummy.
Lateral recumbent position(Sims) Lying on the side.
TRENDELENBURG POSITION The patient is supine on a surface inclined 45 degrees, head at the lower end and legs flexed over the upper end.
DORSAL RECUMBENT POSITION Patient on back with legs flexed
What questions to ask for a pain assessment. When did the pain start? Where is the pain? How often do you feel the pain? Does anything you do lessen the pain? Describe the pain.
Pain chart Won-Baker faces
Implied consent It's implied that the patient wants help, for a routine visit or emergency.
Informed consent Consent given by patient for a specific treatment.
Triage sorting and setting priorities for treatment for patients who are on the phone or at the reception desk.
Sign that which can be seen, heard, measured or felt by the examiner
Symptom a perceptible change in the body related by the patient
What safety hazards require written reports? Accidents, thefts, exposure to blood or body fluid, errors in treatment.
What does the acronym RACE stand for? Rescue individuals in danger Sound the alarm Confine the fire by closing all doors and windows Extinguish the fire with the nearest suitable fire extinguished
What to do for radiation safety? A.) Amount of radiation is determined by: 1.) time: exposed to source 2.) shielding: if anything is between you and the source of radiation 3.) distance: how far person of object is away from source
Shock common symptoms? common symptoms: a.) clammy, pale, cold skin b.) rapid weak pulse c.) shallow or increased breathing rate d.) staring eyes and expressionless face
AHA Chain of survival AHA Chain of Survival 1.) early access to care 2.) early CPR 3.) early defibrillation 4.) advanced care
OSHA stands for? Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
What does AIDS stand for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIDS is caused by what virus? human immunodeficiency virus.
Nosocomial infections Infections developed in the hospital
Chain of infection links? Agents, reservoir , Portal of exit, Portal of entry, Susceptible host
What's an agent? infectious microorganisms
What's a reservoir? Where the infectious microorganisms lives
What's a portal of exit? the method by which an infectious agent
What's a portal of entry? an opening allowing the microorganism to enter the host
What's a susceptible host? a person who cannot resist a microorganism invading the body
What's standard precautions? Treat every patient as if they have AIDS.
What is sanitation? Sanitization is the scrubbing of instruments with special brushes and detergent to remove blood, mucous, etc.
What is disinfection? Disinfection is the process that destroys pathogenic micro-organisms.
What is sterilization? Sterilization is the process of destroying all microbial forms of life–typically an autoclave is used for this along with distilled water .
What's included in vitals? Vital signs include the heart beat, breathing rate, temperature, and blood pressure
Normal range for bp? 120/80
Normal range for pulse? 60-80
Normal range for respiration? 12-18
Normal range for temperature? 98.6
What and where are the four temperature sites? Rectal, oral, axillary, and tympanic membrane(ear)
What does febrile mean? Febrile–presence of fever
What does afebrile mean? without fever
Most accurate temperature and how long is it there? Rectally and 5-10 minutes depending on thermometer
How long to keep a thermometer in the ear? Tympanic temperature stays 1-3 seconds
Term a.a? of each
Term sig? take
Where is a buccal administration given? Buccal administration is between the cheek and gum
Where is a sub-lingual given? sub-lingual administration is placed under the tongue until the drug dissolves.
Where is transdermal administration given? Transdermal route is typically in patch form.
Average amount of blood in the human body? 5-6 liters
Produced in bone marrow and lives 120 days? RBCs.
5 WBC types? Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Esonophils, and Basophils,
What do Neutrophils do? defend the body against infectious diseases
What do Lymphocytes do? provide a boost to immune defense of the body; they also help respond to vi ruses,
What do Monocytes do? provide support in cell support in meditated immunity
What do esonophils do? function in allergic or inflammatory responses
What do Basophils do? Aid in allergic reactions.
Red test tube? No additive required.
Blue test tube? Additive used is sodium citrate. Additive prevents coagulation by binding calcium.
Lavender test tube? (EDTA). Additive binds the calcium needed for clot formation. Commonly used for hematology testing (CBC)
Green test tube? Additive used is Heparin, a natural anticoagulant that inhibits thrombin
Grey test tube? Additives used are sodium fluoride, a preservative that inhibits glycotic action and potassium oxalate,an anticoagulant that binds calcium. Commonly used for glucose tolerance and lactic acid measurement.
Red/ grey speckled tube? Additives used are clot activator and serum gel separator. Activator encourages clot formation while serum gel creates a barrier between the serum and the cells which prevents contamination of the serum.
Correct order of draw? Blood Cultures Light Blue top tubes. Red or Speckled tubes Green top tubes Lavender top tubes Gray top tubes
Specimens must have what identification information? Patient’s full name and date of birth Patient’s hospital identification number(inpatient) Outpatient’s social security number Date and time of collection Medical assistant’s initials
Size of a butterfly needle? 23-25
Phlebotomy standards are set by...? NCCLS-The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.
What's a prescription's superscription? superscription which consists of the heading where the symbol Rx (an abbreviation for recipe, the Latin for take thou )
What's a prescription's inscription? inscription is also called the body of the prescription, and provides the names and quantities of the chief ingredients of the prescription. Also in the inscription you find the dose and dosage form, such as tablet, suspension, capsule, syrup.
What's a prescription's subscription? subscription, which gives specific directions for the pharmacist on how to compound the medication.
What's a prescription's signatura? signatura (also called sig, or transcription), gives instructions to the patient on how, how much, when, and how long the drug is to be taken
Created by: DeRay
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