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Medical Terminology

Prefixes, roots, suffixes

a, an no, not
abdomen/o abdomen
aden/o gland
al pertaining to
algia pain
anter/o front
ar pertaining to
arthr/o joint
aut self
bi/o life
bronch/o bronchial tubes
cardi/o heart
carcin/o cancer, cancerous
cephal/o head
cerebr/o cerebrum
cervic/o neck
chond/o cartilage
crani/o skull
crin/o to secrete
cyst/o urinary bladder
cyt/o cell
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
dia complete
dys bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
eal pertaining to
ectomy cutting out, removal, excision
elect/o electricity
emia blood condition
encephala/o brain
endo within
enter/o intestines
epi above, upon
epithelia skin, surface tissue
erythr/o red
esophag/o esophagus
exo outside
gastr/o stomach
globin protein
glyc/o sugar
gnos/o knowledge
gram record
gynec/o women, female
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
hyper excessive, more than normal, too much
hypo below, less than normal, under
ia condition
ic pertaining to
ior pertaining to
ism condition
itis inflammation
lapar/o abdomen
lapar/o abdomen
laryng/o larynx, voice box
later/o side
leuk/o white
logist specialist in the study of
logy study of
lymph/o lymph
mediastin/o mediastinum
mellitus sweet
meter measurement
nephr/o Kidney
neur/o nerve
oma tumor or mass
onc/o tumor
opthalm/o eye
opsy process of viewing
osis abnormal condition
oste/o bone
path/o disease
pelv/o pelvis
peri surrounding
pro before, forward
peritone/o peritoneum
pharyng/o larynx, throat
pleur/o pleura
poster/o back, behind
psych/o mind
re back
ren/o kidney
retro behind
rhin/o nose
sacr/o sacrum
sarc/o flesh
scope instrument to visually examine
scopy process of visual examination
section cutting into an organ
sis state of
spin/o spine
state stands
sub below, under
theli/o nipple
thromb/o clotting
thorac/o chest
tomy process of cutting into
trache/o trachea
trans across, through
um structure
vascular pertaining to blood vessels
vertebr/o vertebra, backbone
y condition
myo muscle
sarco muscle
chrom color
angi/o blood vessels
oto ear
mamm/o breast
ileo small intestine
colo large intestine
pneumo lung
macro large
micro small
megalo, megaly large. enlarged
tachy fast, rapid
brady slow, reduced
chloro green
cyan blue
ven/o vein
intra within
extra outside
inter between
echo using ultrasonic waves (ultrasound)
mal bad
coccg coccyx, tailbone
amni/o amnion (sac of fluid surrounding embryo)
angi/o vessel (usually a blood vessel)
arteri/o artery
myos/o muscle
ten/o tendon
tendin tendon
cerebell/o cerebellum
spondyl/o backbone, vertebra
scrot/o scrotal sac, scrotum
appendic/o appendix
ligament/o ligament
duoden/o duodenum
ile/o ileum (third part of small intestine)
ili/o ilium (upper part of hip bone)
jejunum jeujunum
or/o mouth
o/o egg
pancreas pancreas
proct/o anus and rectum
prostat/o prostate gland
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
stomat/o mouth
tonsil/o tonsil
uro/o urine, urinary tract
rrhea discharge, flow
rrhage, rrhagia excess flow of blood
rrhaphy suture
ather/o fatty plaque
axill/o armpit
chem/o drug, chemical
muscul/o muscle
cholecyst/o gallbladder
chron/o time
cyan blue
col/o colon (large intestine)
chrom color
cry/o cold
bronch/i/o bronchial tube
hyster/o uterus
inguin/o groin
isch/o to hold back
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
men/o menses, menstruation, month
mening/o meninges (membranes around the brain and spinal cord)
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
necr/o death
oophor/o ovary
phleb/o vein
sclerosis hardening
pneumon/o lung
pulmon/o lung
radi/o x-rays
salping/o fallopian tube (uterine tube)
septic/o pertaining to infection
ur/o urine or urea, urinary tract
uria condition of urine
ary pertaining to
centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
plasty surgical repair or surgical correction
stomy opening
therapy treatment
an/o anus
lysis loosening, breakdown, separation,destruction
poly many
post after
ab away from
ad toward, near
ana up, apart
ante before, forward
anti against
bi two
con with, together
ec out, outside
extra outside of
hemi half
meta change, beyond
neo new
para beside, near, along side of
quadri four
syn with, together
tri three
ultra beyond
uni one
esthesi/o sensation
ger/o old age
iatr/o treatment
nos/o disease
obstetr/o midwife
odont tooth
opt/o eye
ortho/o straight
ped/o child
rect/o rectum
rheumat/o flow, fluid
aort/o aorta
coron/o heart
ven/o vein
orch/i/o testis
orchid/o testis
parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
pituitar/o pituitary gland
thym/o thymus gland
throaden/o thyroid gland
balan/o penis
ovari/o ovary
medull/o medulla oblongata
alveol/o alveoli (air sacs)
epiglott/o epiglottis
phren/o diaphragm
aur/o ear
cutane/o skin
myring/o eardrum
tympan/o eardrum
ocul/o eye
onych/o nail
phak/o lens of the eye
pil/o hair
trich hair
retin/o retina
ungu/o nail
pyel/o renal pelvis
ureter/a ureter
urethr/o urethra
carp/o carpals
cis/o to cut
cost/o rib
cele hernia
calcane/o calcaneus (heel bone)
capillar/o capillary
dur/o dura matter (outermost meningeal layer)
dactyl fingers or toes
dent/i tooth
ation process, condition
cision process of cutting
dipsia thirst
gen production, formation
emesis vomiting
femor/o femor
dynia pain
fibr/o fibrous tissue
fibul/o fibula
genic pertaining to producing, produced by
colp/o vagina
vagin/o vagina
metri/o uterus or to measure
nat/i birth
norm/o rule, order
philia attraction to
pexy fixation (surgical)
poiesis formation
plas/o development, formation, growth
partum birth
phasia speech
plasia formation, growth
phagia eating
plasm development, formation, growth
plegia paralysis
pnea breathing
prosth/o artificial replacement
graphy process of recording, to record
ine pertaining to
lapse slide
infra below
leiomy/o smooth muscle
lip/o fat
listhesis sliding
lith/o stone
ist specialist
motor movement
mission to send
mortem death
supra above
ptysis spitting
tic pertaining to
somatic pertaining to the body
ous pertaining to
stasis control, stop, place, to stand
sym with, together
son/o sound
thyroid thyroid
bari/o weight
tension pressure
thesis put, place
top/o to put, place
troph/o development, nourishment
tibi/o tibia
scapul/o scapula
vesic/o urinary bladder
acute sharp, sudden, intense
ben good
chronic pertaining to time (persistent, long-lasting)
cuspid pointed end
drome occurring or running
ign fire (eg. malignant: bad cancerous tumor spreads like fire)
inter between
intra within
mal bad
megaly enlargement
malaise general feeling of discomfort
lethargy fatigue, lack of energy
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