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Med Emergencies 1

Medical Emergencies Test 1

how many emergencies occur in the waiting room? 1.5%
how many emergencies occur following the injection? 55%
how many emergencies occur during treatment? 23%
how many emergencies occur in office after treatment? 15%
how many emergencies occur later at home? 5.5%
how do you give a superior vast us lateralis? superior: a hands breath below the greater trochanter inferior: hands breadth above the knee
what oxygen do you want to give E size cylinder which holds over 600 Liters with positive pressure 10-15 liters per minute
what is ASA I? normal healthy patient
what is ASA II? patient with mild systemic disease that does not interfere with day to day activities like smoking, mild to moderate controlled hypertension and well controlled asthma
what is ASA III? patient with moderate to severe systemic disease that is not incapacitating but may alter day to day activity like severe hypertension, MI within 6 months, COPD
what is ASA IV? patient with severe systemic disease that is constant threat to life liver failure
what is ASA V? a morbid patient not expected to survive 24 hours with or without operation
what is a poorly controlled A1c number 9-12%
what is stage 1 hypertension systolic 140-159 diastolic 90-99
what is stage 2 hypertension systolic: 160-179 diastolic: 100-109
what is stage 3 hypertension? systolic: 180-209 diastolic: 110-119
what is stage 4 hypertension? systolic greater than 210 diastolic greater than 120
how much benadryl is given to an adult? 25-50 mg for 6-8 hours
how much benadryl is given to a child? 12.5-25 mg 6-8 hours
how much epinephrine is given to an adult? 0.3-0.5 mg 1:1,000 IM or SQ 1: 10,000 IV
how much epinephrine is given to a child? 0.01 mg
what is class I CHF? no limitation of physical activity, no dyspnea or fatigue
what is Class II CHF? slight limitation of physical activity, have fatigue palpitations, dyspnea with ordinary physical activity, but comfortable at rest
what is Class III CHF? marked limitation of activity, but comfortable at rest
what is Class IV CHF? symptoms are present at rest and physical exertion exacerbates the symptoms
which class of CHF are not good candidates for elective dental treatment? class III and IV patients
what is an extrinsic asthmatic? atopic triggering agent is known, predictable treated well with short acting steroids
what is an intrinsic asthmatic? triggering agent is unknown, systemic steroid
What is chronic Bronchitis? elevated PCO2, decreased PaO2, erythrocytosis blue bloaters
what is emphysema? normal PCO2, decreased PaO2, normal hematocrit pink puffers
what would be an indication for using oral administration of drugs? carbohydrates in a hypoglycemic episode oral sublingual nitroglycerine
what is a very fast route of drug administration secondary to vascular supply? intra nasal
what is the most common syncope in a dental office? vasodepressor
what is the drug of choice for emergency treatment of anaphylaxis and asthma which does not respond to its drug of first choice, albuterol or salbutamol? epinephrine
what is thyroid storm? results from untreated or inadequately treated thyrotoxicosis and may be precipitated by infection, trauma, surgery
Created by: Chobchi
Popular Dentistry sets




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