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unit 1 vocab

antepartum before the onset of labor
intrapartum onset of labor to delivery of the newborn and placenta
postpartum immediately following delivery of the newborn and the placenta to 6 weeks after delivery
viability fetus survived outside of the uterus - 20 weeks gestation
gravid state of being pregnant
gravida total number of pregnancies over lifetime and current pregnancy
primagravida pregnant for the first time
multigravida pregnant more than once
nulligravida never been pregnant
para total number of deliveries live or dead past the point of viability
primapara giving birth to only one child past the point of viability
multipara given birth to more than one fetus past the point of viability
grand multipara given birth to at least 5 fetuses past the point of viability
nullipara never carried a pregnancy past the point of viability
live birth delivered past the point of viability who at birth shows signs of life such as heartbeat or respirations
stillbirth fetus born past the point of viability with no signs of life
full term birth newborn born after the beginning of the 38th week
pre-term birth newborn born at 37 weeks or less
abortion anything before 20 weeks
androgens responsible for sperm production and maturation
spermatogenesis beginning of sperm/produced - seminiferous tubules
epididymis sperm mature
testes 2 organs contained in the scrotum
vas deferns muscular tube surrounded by nerves & tissues
ejaculatory duct leads to urethra
FSH & ICSH follicle stimulating hormone & interstitial cells stimulating hormone
FSH responsible for production of sperm in seminiforus tubule
ICSH testosterone - assists in sperm maturation and secondary sex characteristics
amenorrhea absense of menstruation
menorrhagia heavy or prolonged bleeding which over time can lead to anemia
metrorrhagia menstrual bleeding normal amount but occuring at irregular intervals
endometriosis growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus - causes menstrual like bleeding, inflammation and scarring
fibroids benign estrogen-responsive tumors of the uterine wall
toxic shock syndrome illness caused by exotoxin of staph anureus
PID pelvis inflammatory disease - general term used to describe any inflammation of the female reproductive tract. usually caused by untreated chlamydia & gonrrhea
cystocele bladder bulges into vaginal wall
rectocele rectum falls down and pushes into vaginal wall
enterocele small intestine falls down into pelvis cavity & falls between rectum & vagina
uterine prolapse falls down through vagina
somatic cells all cells in the body except (NOT) sperm and eggs; 46 chromosomes
germ cells/sex cells aka gametes sperm or eggs; 23 chromosomes
mitosis soma cell production and replacement
meiosis sex cell division produced by halving chromosomes 46-23
gametogenesis creation of sperm or eggs via meiosis
fertilization joining of sperm and egg: results in 46 chromosome zygote
oogenesis refers to ovum or egg & present at birth
Created by: breinard
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