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Mental Health

Affect Emotional tone, feeling, or the outward manifestation of subjective emotions; also called affectivity.
Akathisia Complete or partial loss of muscle control.
Anhedonia Markedly diminished or lost interest or pleasure in all of most activities.
Anxiety Apprehensive uneasiness or dread (may be marked by physiologic signs; such as sweating, tension, or increased pulse).
Assaultive Threatening to hurt others or actually striking someone.
Athetoid Involuntary writhing movements of fingers, toes or extremities.
Benzodiazepine Class of common anti-anxiety medication.
Bipolar disorder Severe disorder in which behavior alternates between over-activity and depression.
Catalepsy State in which a person maintains the body position in which he or she is placed.
Catatonia Stupor and muscle rigidity common in schizophrenia.
Cogwheeling (Movement) Abnormal muscular rigor that manifests as jerky movements when the muscle is passively stretched; can be a side effect of psychotropic medications.
Compulsion A repetitive behavior or mental act that a person feels driven to perform, sometimes constantly.
Cyclothymic Mild form of bipolar disorder(ie. characterized by less extreme periods of over-activity & depression.
Decanoate/depot (medications) Injectable long lasting psychotropic medications
Delusion A false belief that cannot be corrected by reason.
Dual Diagnosis Two separate chronic conditions at the same time; has commonly come to mean mental illness, combined with chemical dependency.
Dyskinesia Involuntary, coordinated rhythmic movements.
Dysthymia Depressive disorder, chronic clinical depression over a long period.
Dystonia Difficulty in speaking
Echolalia Automatic repeating of what has been said
Echopraxia Involuntary imitation of the movements of other people
Entitlement Psychological condition in which an individual feels that everyone should wait on him or her and often makes other unreasonable demands
Euthymia Normal mood
Factitious Physical or mental disorder that is artificial or made up with no organic basis
Forensic Pertaining to legal matters
Functional disorder Type of mental illness that has no organic causes
Grandiosity Having delusions of grandeur
Hallucination Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting or feeling something that has no objective stimulus
Hypersomnia Excessive sleep
Hypervigilance A state of increased watchfulness
Hypomania Hyperactive individual who has not reached the level of mania; does not require hospitalization
Intrusive In Psychiatry, a client who interrupts or constantly interferes with others or who invades their personal space
Lability Unstable fluctuating as a libile fever. In psychiatry; rapid mood swings and marked behavior changes.
Malingering Faling illness to stay in the hospital or otherwise receive desired attention
Mania Disordered mental state of extreme excitement; extreme and exaggerated hyperactivity as a phase of bi-polar disorder; expansiveness, increased speed of speech and thoughts, grandiosity.
Milieu/Milieu Therapy Environment, surroundings, therapy in a comfortable, therapeutic environment
Mutism Refusal or inability to speak
Neologism New word created by an individual that is not actually a word
Neuroleptic An agent that modifies psychotic behavior
Obsession A recurrent, persistent, intrusive thought or belief that the person cannot ignore
Oculogyric Crisis Involuntary backward rolling of the eyes
Opisthotonos A spasm in which the head and heels are close and the body is bowed forward
Organic Disorder Mental illness that is caused by an actual physical disorder
Paranoia Mental disorder in which one has delusions of persecution or thinks others will harm him/her.
Perseverate To dwell on one subject
Phobia A persistent, abnormal fear or dread. (claustrophobia is fear of small, enclosed places)
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Psychiatrist A physician who specializes in the treatment of mental disorders
Psychometric Type of testing for mental disorders that includes an in-depth interview and various other tests; also called neuropsychiatric testing.
Psychosis A mental disturbance in which personality disintegrates and the person escapes into unreality (more serious than neurosis)
Psychotropic Types of medications that modify moods
Rapport A state of harmony or good relationship between two individuals, particularly emphasized in mental health.
Regression Return to a former state, as a child regresses when ill. Regression of a disease process refers to its relief or subsiding.
Schizophrenia Psychological condition in which the person loses contact with reality.
Tardive Dyskinesia A condition that results from long-term use of neuroleptics. A common symptom is obvious mouth and tongue movements.
Vulnerable Adult An adult who is intellectually impaired, mentally ill, or otherwise unable to protect himself or herself.
72 degrees
AH Auditory Hallucination
AIMS Abnormal involuntary movement scale
ALC Acute lethal catatonia
AMSIT Appearance, mood, sensorium, intelligence, thought process
AP Apical pulse or anteroposterior; anterior-posterior (repair); assault (attack) precautions
APE Acute psychotic episode
AWOL Absent without leave
BPD/BPAD Bipolar disorder/bipolar affective disorder
BPRS Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
CHI Closed head injury
CHT Closed head trauma
CMHC Community mental health center
CPMI Chronic and persistent mental illness
DISCUS Dyskinesia Identification System - Condensed User Scale
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
ECT Electroconvulsive therapy
EP Escape (elopement) precautions
EPSE Extrapyramidal side effects
ETOH,EtOH Alcohol withdrawal
FOI Flight of ideas
GP General (suicide) precautions
HI Homicidal ideation
Li+ Lithium
LQR/LSR Locked quiet room/Locked seclusion room
MDD Major depressive disorder
MI/CD Mentally ill and chemically dependent
MI Myocardial infarction; mental illness
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMSE Mini mental status exam
NMS Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
NOS Not otherwise specified
OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder
OD Overdose; right eye (oculus dexter) (not recommended for use)
ODT Orally disintegrating tablet
PADS Preventive aggression device system
PD Provisional discharge
PPS Prospective payment system
PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder
REBT Rational emotive behavioral therapy
SI/SA Suicidal ideation/Status asthmaticus
SIB/SIW Self injurious behavior/Self inflicted wound
SP Suprapubic (catheter)
TA Transactional analysis; temporal artery (forehead)
TD/TDK Tardive dyskinesia; transdermal/
TR Therapeutic recreation
U-ToX Urine toxicology screen (for drugs)
VH Visual hallucinations
W/D Withdrawal
Patients with chronic or progressive illness are more prone to Suicide/depression
REBT therapy states that people are accepted Unconditionally
Reality Therapy Enforces that we can't change the past and need to develop socially acceptable behavior
The major concern for psychiatric patients is Safety
____ & ____ and having flash backs are common in PTSD Hyper vigilance and being easily startled
Agoraphobia The phobia of open spaces
Borderline Personality Disorder is frequently associated with self-injury
Patients with Narcissistic personality Disorder lack empathy, have a need for admiration and have a sense of entitlement.
Those with Schizoid personality Disorder lack social relationships and a range of emotions
Mania could include forced speech and Racing thoughts
The patient with dysthymia must display depressed mood for 2 years for diagnosis
Patients with disturbed sleep, depressed mood and thoughts of death may be suffering from Major depressive episode
Axis I: Clinical Psychiatric syndromes
Axis II: Personality Disorders and mental retardation
Axis III: General Medical conditions
Axis IV: Psychosocial And environmental problems
Axis V: Global Assessment of functioning
A patient refusing to discuss an issue is using Repression as a defense mechanism
Patients taking neuroleptics may develop ticks such as lip smacking. This is know as Tardive dyskinesia
A paranoid patient need the nurse to Explain procedures before intervening
A patient with Histrionic Personality disorder engages in attention seeking behaviors
A patient with Borderline Personality disorder has a history of unstable relationships
Schizoid personality disorders characterized by discomfort with interpersonal relationships
A patient with social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation may be diagnosed with Avoidant personality disorder
Compulsions are ritualistic or repetitive behaviors that a person carries out continuously
Munchousens by proxy occurs when a person inflicts illness or injury on someone else to gain attention
Manic patients may benefit from a reduction of environmental stumuli
NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome) is a life threatening reaction to neuroleptic medication,exhibited by rigidity, fever, diaphoresis, and sudden altered LOC
Reaction formation involves using opposite behavior from what would be expected for a a given situation
Clients suffering from mental illness have a higher incidence of Substance abuse and the nurse should watch for withdrawal symptoms upon addmission
Tweaking Rapid eye movement
Formication Crawling skin - bugs, snakes
Hallucinations seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting or feeling something that has no objective stimulus
Delirium tremens symptoms that appear in the third
Enablers usually family or spouse, may have difficulty accepting that the disease of abuse is bad but not the addict, himself, is bad
Tremors are part of the autonomic Hyperactivity process during withdrawl
0.08 is the legal limit for alcohol blood level
Always position patients on their side due to possible n/v associated with withdrawal
Created by: LPN-Study
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