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Nursing 52 RCC elimination terms

anuria failure of the kidneys to produce urine; less than 100ml/day
anasarca generalized edema
bedpan container into which the client the client defecates and or urinates
borborygmus rumbling sounds as gas passes through the intestines; a type of bowel sound
catheter tube inserted into the bladder through the urinary meatus for the purpose of draining urine from the bladder
commode portable toiled which can be used at the client's bedside
constipation difficulty moving the bowels due to presence of hard fecal matter in the rectum
contraindicated against orders for that specific situation
decompression of bladder emptying of bladder
defecation evacuation of bowels; to have a bowel movement
dehydration depletion of body fluids (output exceeds intake)
dependent drainage aka gravity drainage; drains from higher area to lower due to effects of gravity
diaphoresis profuse sweating
diarrhea loose and watery stools
distilled water water in which the chemical impurities have been removed
diuresis excessive secretion of urine; also called polyuria
dysuria painful or difficult urination
edema swelling
electrolyte mineral salts dissolved in water
emesis vomitus; material ejected from the stomach by vomiting
feces aka stool; waste material discharged from the bowels
flatus gas in or expelled from the lower end of the digestive tract
fracture pan a flat bedpan used for a client for whom it is difficult to place a regular sized bedpan
frequency frequent urination
graduate a container (with a pour spout) for measuring fluids; similar to measuring cup
hourly rates precise measurement of urine output every hour; may require a catheter
impaction a collection of hard stool in the rectum that the client is unable to push out himself
incontinence inability to control evacuation of the bowel and or bladder
lumen the space within a tube intestine artery or vein
nausea inclination to vomit
nocturia frequent voiding at night
oliguria diminished amount and frequency of urination; scanty urine output of less than 500ml/day
output the amount of fluid eliminated from the body in a certain period of time
patent open; unobstructed
peristalsis wave-like contractions of the GI tract and other hollow tubes of the body which propel its contents forward
retention with overflow small amounts of urine are voided at frequent intervals; large volume of urine retained in the bladder
trial voiding to discontinue a urethral catheter or clamp a suprapubic catheter to determine if the patient is able to void
urgency urge to urinate when the bladder contains little urine
urinal container into which the client urinates
urine a liquid waste eliminated from the body by the urinary system
urine retention condition in which urine is retained in the bladder
urine suppression condition in which the kidneys fail to produce urine
void to eliminate urine from the boy; pass water; urinate; micturate
Created by: RyannK
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