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Medical Technology

Set #4

Carbohydrates Grains, fruits, vegetables, first source for energy, also contains fiber.
Fats Animal products, nuts, & oils. Builds cell walls & assists with use of vitamins. Second choice for energy.
Proteins Meat, beans, milk products, eggs, nuts/seeds. Builds new tissue. Used for energy when carbs & fats are not available.
Fat Soluble Vitamins Stored in body fat, so they don't need to be eaten daily! Includes: A, D, E, & K.
Water Soluble Vitamins Dissolve in water & are needed daily for good nutrition. Includes: C & B complex.
Minerals Help provide structure within the body & help regulate body processes.
Water Half to two-thirds of body weight is water. You need 48-96 ounces per day.
30 Milliliters Equals one ounce.
High Protein Diet For tissue damage, wound healing. Increase in protein & supplements with protein given.
Low Fat Diet For high cholesterol, gall bladder disease, liver problems. No fats.
ADA Diet Diabetic diet. Lists calories for the day. Pt must eat all food or get a substitute for food not eaten.
Intake All the liquids a pt consumes.
Output Elimination of fluids a person consumes
Force Fluids Pt must have extra fluid. Offer liquid frequently.
Fluid Restriction Pt will have an amount to drink for each shift. Pt must receive all of the amount ordered, but no more!
Dehydration Too little fluid in the body.
Edema Too much fluid in the body.
Dysphagia Difficulty with swallowing, especially water.
Thickened Liquids Substance added to make liquids thicker. Used for pt's that have trouble swallowing.
Clothing Protector Special cloth that is used at meal time to protect residents clothes from spills.
NPO Nothing by mouth.
Clear Liquid Used after surgery. Only items that are cleared or have no caffeine.
Full Liquid Next step after CL diet. Anything that is liquid when at room temperature.
Mechanical Soft Next step after a FL, or used for pts with trouble chewing. Items that are soft to eat or are chopped.
Pureed For pts that cannot chew or swallow well. Food is put into blender.
Low Sodium For heart/kidney disease or edema. No salty foods. No salt on tray.
Low Protein For kidney disease. No high protein food are given.
Diet Card Information about the pt's special diet, allergies, likes/dislikes, & other instructions.
Fluid Balance Maintaining equal input & output.
High Residue Increased fiber diet that adds whole grain, & raw fruits/ vegetables. *Used for constipation*
Low Residue Decreased fiber diet which restricts whole grain,nuts, seeds, raw foods, dairy, & coffee. *Used for bowel problems*
Nasogastric Tube Tube inserted through the nose into stomach.
PEG Tube Tube inserted through the abdomen into the stomach. (PEG= Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube)
Tube Feeding Use of an n/g or PEG tube to gibe liquid nutrition to a pt.
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Solution of nutrients given through IV tube.
Diuretics Medicine used to decrease fluid volume through urination.
Stress Response to a stimulus or demand made upon a individual.
Stressor Any factor that produces stress & disturbs the body's equilibrium.
Coping Immediate response to a threatening situation.
Adaptation Change in an individual as a final result to stress.
Coping Mechanism Inborn or learned ways of responding to a changing environment, specific problem or unexpected situation.
Defense Mechanism Mental responses that protect an individual from anxiety.
Denial Blocking painful thoughts.
Rationalization Mind gives "good" reasons for behavior, instead of true reasons.
Compensation Substituting one activity for another.
Regression Going backwards to behavior that was comforting in earlier life.
Projection Attributing characteristics & behaviors to other people instead of ourselves.
Displacement Transferring feelings about one person to another.
Conversion Reaction Becoming physically ill from mental conflict.
Hierarchy of Needs Written by Maslow. Belief that more basic human needs must be met before higher level needs can be considered.
Physiological Needs Maslow's most basic needs include: 1. air 2. food 3. water & 4. rest.
Safety & Security Needs Second level in Maslow. Includes: 1. shelter 2. clothing 3. protection from harm & 4. stability.
Love & Belonging Needs Middle level in Maslow. Includes: 1. feeling of belonging 2. acceptance & 3. love from others.
Self-Esteem Needs Second to top in Maslow. Belief in one's own worth & value. Feeling respected.
Created by: dcolestock16
Popular Nursing sets




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