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Medical Technology
Set #
Term | Definition |
Self Actualization | Highest level in Maslow. Ability of one to reach fullest potential. |
Mood | Pervasive & sustained emotion. |
Affect | Emotional reaction to an experience. |
Blunted Affect | Decreased emotional response. |
Flat Affect | Virtual absence of emotional response. Face is immobile & voice is monotone. |
Inappropriate Affect | Affect/emotions don't match situation. |
Labile | Rapidly shifting moods or emotions. |
Ambivalence | Displays opposite emotions at the same time. |
Elation | Normal joy & optimism. |
Euphoria | Unusual elation & cheerfulness at inappropriate times & situations. |
Fear | Normal responses to a danger. |
Anxiety | Worry about unknown danger. |
Irritability | Easily provoked, impatient. |
Rage | Excessive anger with loss of control of emotions. |
Depression | Illness that cause withdrawal, low energy, loss of interest in activities & other symptoms. May be normal reaction to a loss. |
Bipolar Disease | Cycles of mania & depression, may have normal periods in-between. Also called maniac-depressive disorder. |
Claustrophobia | Fear of confined spaces. |
Phobia | Abnormal fear which may be disabling or keep a person from normal activities. |
Schizophrenia | Disorder that affect's persons ability to function normally in the real world. |
Psychotherapy | Method of treating mental illness that involves talking about problems with mental health professionals. |
Panic Disorder | A person is afraid for no specific reason & has persistent panic attacks, which are about overwhelming fear. |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Behaviors performed ritually (compulsions) to decrease anxiety from unwanted thoughts (obsession). |
Delusion | Firm, fixed, false belief that is irrational. |
Hallucination | Sensory experience for which there is no external stimulants!! May strike any sense. |
Illusion | Misconception of a real stimulus. |
Paranoia | Response to stress with false sense of self-importance and delusions of persecution. |
Alert | Awake and oriented to person/place/time. |
Lethargic | Drifts off to sleep easily and frequently rouses to name but looks drowsy answers questions correctly but has trouble thinking loses train of thought. Decrease in spontaneous movement. |
Obtunded | Sleeps most of time difficult to arouse without shouting acts confused when aroused mumbled speech, makes no sense doesn't cooperate unless constantly stimulated. |
Stupor or Semi-Coma | Mainly unconscious responds only to vigorous shake or pain withdraws from pain when applied groans, mumbles, doesn't talk moves restlessly, still has reflexes. |
Coma | Completely unconscious. No response to pain. Light coma will have some reflex activity but no purposeful movement. Deep coma will have no motor response. |
Development Delays | (MENTAL RETARDATION) Significantly below average general intelligence and deficits in adaptive behaviors. Usually identified before pt is 22 years old. |
Mental Illness | Disruption, disorganization, or disintegration of pt's thought process. |
Cognition | Ability to think and reason. |
Confusion | Inability to think clearly. May be sudden or gradual, temporary or permanent. |
Delirium | Sudden severe confusion that is usually temporary. |
Dementia | Serious loss of mental abilities such as thinking, reasoning, remembering and communicating. |
Down's Syndrome | A genetic disorder in which the pt has an extra set of chromosomes. |
Autism | Pt has extreme difficulty with communication and relation to other people and surroundings. Unknown cause. |
Cerebral Palsy | Damage to cerebrum at or near the time of birth, which causes problems with motor control. |
Spina Bifida | Congenital spine, which can cause paralysis. |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | Combination of physical & mental problems affecting a child whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. |
Alzheimer's Disease | Progressive and irreversible change in cognitive functioning. |
Confabulation | Making up stories to cover for lapses in memory. |
Perservation Phenomenon | Repeating an action over and over again. |
Hoarding | Keeping or taking large number of items for no apparent reason. |
Rummaging | Pt goes through the cabinet, drawer or other container... looking for an object that cannot be found. |
Wandering | Trying to leave a facility due to confusion. |
Sundowning | Restlessness, agitation & confusion that occurs when it is dark outside. May be oriented during the day. |
Catastrophic Reaction | Overreaction to stimulus in environment which would not cause stress to a normal person. |
Reality Orientaion | Focus is on keeping pt in touch with reality and present. |
Validation Therapy | Allows pt to live in the past or their imagination. No attempt is made to reorient pt. |
Rigor Mortis | When the muscles get stiff and rigid after death. |
Stages of Grief | 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance |
Postmortem Care | Preparing the body after death for viewing by the family. |
Autopsy | Examination of a body to determine cause of death. |
Pacing | Walking back & forth aimlessly or without purpose. |
Elopement | When a resident wanders away from a protected area or facility without appropriate supervision. |