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Ethics and Law
Chapter One
Term | Definition |
Accreditation | A nongovernmental process for ensuring that a predetermined set of standards has been met; used to assure the public that the graduates of a particular program are prepared to practice. |
Competency | Having the knowledge, skill and ability to perform a prescribed set of tasks or duties independently and with cofidence. |
Duty | Action or conduct based on moral or leagal obligation. |
Licensure | A process regulated by a governmental agency in which individuals are authorized to perform certain functions. |
Oath | A solenm promise to do something or to follow some guidelines. |
Peer Review | The process of allowing professional colleagues to critically examine treatment provided in a dental or dental hygiene case and render an opinion on the appropriateness of that treatment. |
Professional Traits | Characteristics desirable in a health care professional. |
Professionalism | The quality of performing with the skill, knowledge, and abilities of a professional person; the possession of specialized knowlegde and skill in a field of human endevor. |
Standard | A qualiaty or specific level of performance. |
Traits | A Characteristic. |
Value | A principle or concept considered worthwhile. |