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Language of Science
Knowing the meaning of prefix and suffixes is useful in biology
Term | Definition |
a/an | un,not |
meso | middle |
leuco | white,colorless |
aero | air |
anti | against,opposite |
aqua/hydro | water |
arthro | joint |
auto | self |
bi/di | two |
bio | life |
cephal | head |
chloro | green or yellow |
chromo | color |
cide | killer |
cyto | cell |
derm | pertaining to skin |
haplo | single |
ecto(exo) | outer or out of |
endo | within or inside |
gastro | stomach or belly |
genesis | beginning |
Herba | Plant |
hetero | dissimilarity |
homo | same or similar |
ov | pertaining to egg |
Kary | pertaining to nucleus of cell |
neuro | nerves |
hemo | blood |
hyper | over, above, beyond |
hypo | under, low |
intra | within or inside |
-itis | disease or inflamation |
lateral | side or away form middle |
-logy | area of knowledge or study of |
-lysis | breaking apart |
-meter | unit of measurement (length) |
mono | single |
morph | form or shape |
micro | small |
macro | large |
multi/poly | many |
pod | foot |
-phobia | fear |
-philia | love or attracted to |
proto | first |
photo | light |
psuedo | false |
synthesis | build |
sub | beneath or under |
troph | food or nutrition |
therm | heat |
ri | three |
zoo,xoa | animal |
-tropism | response to stimuli |
-taxis | order |
-stasis | stable state |
soma | body |
saccharo | sugar |
primi/archae | original or beginning |
phyll | leaf |
zyg/zygous | fusion |
phago | ingest or engulf |
path/pathy | disease |
sym/syn | united or together or same |