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Respiratory System

Gylys & Masters Chapter 4

diagnosis Identification of a disease or condition by scientific evaluation of physical signs, symptoms, history, laboratory test resuls and procedures.
pulmonary Pertaining to the lungs or respiratory system.
respiration Molecular exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the body's tissues; also called breathing, pulmonary ventilation or ventilation.
thoracic Pertaining to the thorax or thorax cage (bony enclosure formed by the sternum, costal cartilages, ribs, and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae)
vascular Pertaining to blood vessel
dia- through, across
gnos knowing
pulmon lung
-ary pertaining to
thorac chest
-ic pertaining to
vascul vessel (usually blood or lymph)
-ar pertaining to
adenoid/o adenoids
adenoidectomy excision of the adenoids
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
nas/o nose
rhin/o nose
pharyng/o pharynx (throat)
tonsill/o tonsils
trache/o trachea (windpipe)
alveo/o aveolus; air sac
bronch/o bronchus (plural, bronchi)
bronchi/o bronchus (plural, bronchi)
bronchiol/o bronchiole
phren/o diaphragm
pleur/o pleura
pneum/o air;lung
pneumon/o air;lung
pulmon/o lung
thorac/o chest
aer/o air
cyan/o blue
mastoid/o mastoid process (houses air cells which direct sound waves into the inner ear)
muc/o mucus
myc/o fungus
orth/o straight
py/o pus
-oma tumor
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
a- without, not
brady- slow
dys- bad; painful; difficult
eu- good, normal
tachy- rapid
-scope instrument for examining
-al pertaining to
-rrhea discharge, flow
-spasm involuntary contraction, twitching
-tomy incision
-ar pertaining to
-scopy visual examination
-estasis expansion, dilation
-itis inflammation
-algia pain
-dynia pain
melan black
-ia condition
-logist specialist in the study of
-pathy disease
-phagia swallowing, eating
-osis abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
-ord resembling
-pena breathing
-thorax chest
chondr/o cartilage
laryngoscope instrument for examining the larynx
nasal pertaining to the nose
rhinorrhea discharge from the nose (runny nose), often the result of a cold or allergy
pharyngospasm twitching or involuntary contractions of the pharynx (throat)
tonsillectomy excision of the tonsils
tracheotomy incision of the trachea
alveolar pertaining to alveolus (alveoli, plural)
bronchoscopy visual examining of the bronchus (or bronchi) through a bronchoscope
bronchiectasis expansion or dilation of a bronchus (or bronchi)
bronchiolitis inflammation of the bronchiole(s)
phrenalgia pain in the diaphragm
pleurodynia pain in the pleura
pneumomelanosis abnormal condition of blackening of the lung tissue (caused by inhalation of coal dust or other black particles
pneumonia abnormal condition of the lung
pulmonoligist physician or medical specialist who treats pulmonary diseases
thoracopathy disease of the thorax
aerophagia swallowing air
cyanosis abnormal condition of blue (skin)
mastoiditis inflammation of one of the mastoid bones, usually an extension of a middle ear infection
mucoid resembling mucus
mycosis any disease induced by a fungus
orthopnea (labored) breathing that improves when standing or siting up
pyothorax pus in the chest
chondroma tumor composed of cartilage
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
laryngoplegia paralysis of the larynx (voice box)
apnea not breathing
bradypnea slow breathing
dyspnea bad, painful, or difficult breathing
eupnea normal, unlabored breathing
tachypnea rapid breathing
crackles Fine crackling or bubbling sounds, commonly heard during inspiration when there is fluid in the alveoli; also called rales
friction rub Dry, grating sound heard with a stethoscope during auscultation (listening for sounds within the body)
rhonic Loud coarse or snoring sounds heard during inspiration or expiration; caused by obstructed airways
wheezes Continuous high-pitched whistling sound, usually during expiration; caused by narrowing of an airway
acidosis Excessive acidity of blood due to an accumulation of acids or an excessive loss of bicarbonate caused by abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body
acid acid
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) Life- threatening build-up of fluid in the air sacs (alveoli) that prevents oxygen from passing into the bloodstream; also called adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
anosmia Absence or decrease in the sense of smell
anoxia Total absence of O2 in the body tissues;caused by a lack of O2 in inhaled air or by obstruction that prevents O2 from reaching the lungs
asphyxia Condition of insufficient intake of oxygen due to chocking, toxic gases, electric shock, drugs, drowning, smoke, and trauma
asthma Inflammatory airway disorder that results in attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath that gets worse wit exercise or activity, and coughing (with or without sputum)
atelectasis Collapse of lung tissue, which prevents the respiratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
bronchitis Acute or chronic inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchial airways caused by irritation, infection, or both
coryza Acute inflammation of the nasal passage accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; also called a cold
croup Acute respiratory syndrome that occurs primary in children and infants and is characterized by laryngeal obstruction and spams, barking cough, and stridor
an- without, not
-osmia smell
oxia oxygen
as- without, not
phyxia pulse
atel incomplete; imperfect
-ectasis dilation, expansion
cysticfibrosis (CF) Genetic disease that is one of the most common types of chronic lung disease in children and young adults and causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract, possibly resulting in early death
cyst bladder
fibr fiber, fibrous tissue
-ic pertaining to
emphysemaa Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that makes it difficult to breathe and is characterized by loss of elasticity of lung tissue that causes the small airways to collapse during forced exhalation
epistaxis Hemorrhage from the nose; also called nosebleed
epi- above, upon
-staxis dripping, oozing (of blood)
hypercapania Greater than normal amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
hyper- excessive, above normal
-capnia carbon dioxide (CO2)
hypoxemia Deficiency of oxygen in the blood; usually a sign of respiratory impairment
hyp- under, below, deficient
ox oxygen
-emia blood condition
hypoxia Deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues; usually a sign of respiratory impairment
-oxia oxygen
influenza Acute, contagious respiratory infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain
otitis media (OM) Inflammation of the middle ear, commonly the result of an upper respiratory infection (URI) with systoms of otodynia; may be treated with myringotomy or tympanostomy tubes
ot ear
-ia condition
exudative OM with the presence of fluid, such as pus or serum
pertussis Acute infectious disease characterized by a "whoop"-sounding cough; also called whooping cough
pleurisy Inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a stabbing pain that is intensified by deep breathing or coughing
pleur pleura
-isy state of; condition
pneumothorax Collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity, causing the complete or partial collapse of a lung
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Completely unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently well, or virtually well, infant; also called crib death
Created by: bdbrinegar
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