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NRTC AP Respiratory

Area of pharynx in which eustachian tubes open Nasopharynx
Structure that closes over the top of the larynx when swallowing to direct food to the esophagus epiglottis
Respiratory site for gas exchange alveoli
serous membrane that covers the surface of the lungs visceral pleura
Main muscle responsible for pulmonary ventilation diaphragm
Lipid containing fluid that reduces alveolar surface tension surfactant
The ability of the lung to stretch and recoil pulmonary compliance
To oxygenate the tissues O2 forms a weak bond with RBCs for transportation the chemical for oxygen transportation is called______________ oxyhemoglobin
Most likely site of the respiratory system for aspiration of food right bronchus
Membrane that lines the entire thoracic cavity Parietal Pleura
Lung with only two lobes left
branches of this cranial nerve penetrate the upper nasal cavity olfactory
Bone and cartilage dividing the nasal cavity in half septum
Bone separating the nasal cavity from the mouth palate
Structures of the lower respiratory tract Trachea, bronchus, lungs, alveoli
structures of the upper respiratory tract nose, pharynx, larynx
3 divisions of the pharynx Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
Supportive structures of the trachea c-shaped cartilage
point of bifurcation of the trachea carina
space between the parietal pleura and visceral pleura pleural cavity
Primary muscle of ventilation diaphragm
Location of the inspiratory and expiratory center medulla oblongata
Spinal nerve responsible for innervation of the diaphragm Phrenic Nerve
Normal range of respiration in 1 minute 12-20bpm
Breathing rate greater than 20bpm Tachypnea
Temporary cessation of breathing Apnea
Breathing rate less than 12bpm Bradypnea
Normal, even breathing at reast Eupnea
Gas diffuses from areas of __________ pressure to areas of _________ pressure higher, lower
Structure that filters and moistens inspired air nasal cavity
Muscles that move the ribcage up and out during inspiration External Intercostals
Muscles that expand the lower ribcage and help flatten the diaphragm increase abdominal pressure Internal Intercostals
Area of the pharynx in which only air passes through Nasopharynx
Area of the pharynx in which the tonsils and base of the tongue are found Oropharynx
Gas exchange depends on differences in ________. Pressure
Created by: kleer
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