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LA Vocabulary: 5-8

Vocabulary from Latin roots lessons 5-8

MIKROS (G.) Small
Microbe An organism invisible to the naked eye, especially one that causes disease.
Microcosm A miniature world; something that resembles something else on an very small scale.
MINUS (L.) Less
Minuscule Extremely small
Minutia A small or trivial detail.
TENUIS (L.) Thin
Attenuate To make slender or small
Tenuous Thin in form. Also flimsy, having little substance or validity.
SATIS (L.) Enough
Satiate To satisfy an appetite fully, to gratify to excess.
Comply To do as one is asked or ordered.
Implement (n.) A tool or utensil.
Implement (v) To carry out, to put into effect.
Replete Well-stocked or abundantly supplied. 2. Completely filled; utterly satisfied.
Expletive An exclamation or oath, often obscene.
COPIA (L.) Plenty
Copious Plentiful
MAKROS (G.) Large
Macrocosm The universe. 2. Any great whole
MAGNUS (L.) Great
Magnanimous Noble and generous, especially in forgiving; not petty.
Magnate A wealthy, influential person, especially in business.
Magnitude 1. Greatness in importance or size. 2. The degree of brightness of a star.
MEGAS (G.) Great
Megalomania A form of mental illness in which a person has exaggerated ideas of his or her own importance. 2. An obsessive idea tondo things on a grand scale.
POLY (G.) Many
Polygamy The system of having more than one spouse at a time.
Polygon A flat shape with many straight sides.
ANTE (L.) Before
Antebellum Of a period before a war, especially the American Civil War.
Antecedent 1. A thing or event which precedes. 2. (Grammar) the noun to which a pronoun refers.
Anterior Coming before in position of time.
Avant-garde ( adj.) Ahead of the times, especially in the arts
Avant- garde (n) A group that is ahead of the time.
Vanguard 1. The foremost position, especially of an army or fleet. 2. Leaders of a movement, fashion, etc.
PRE (L.) Before
Precept A command; a rule of conduct.
Predestination The belief that what happens in human life has already been determined by some higher power.
Preempt, pre-empt To take possession of something before anyone else can do so.
Premonition A warning in advance.
Preposterous Absurd, contrary to nature or reason.
Pretentious Showy, pompous, claiming unjustifiable distinction.
PRIMUS (L.) First
Premier (n) A prime minister or head of state
Premier (adj.) First in time or importance
Premiere The first public performance of something, or the female star of a theatrical company.
Primate 1. An archbishop or bishop who ranks highest among others. 2. A member of the order of animals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.
Prime (n) First in rank, excellence, quality, importance, or time.
Prime (adj.) Chief, most important
Prime (v) To prepare something or someone for use or action.
Primeval Belonging to the first age, ancient
Primordial Primeval, original, fundamental
POST (L.) After
Posterior Situated behind or at the back.
Posterity Future descendants 2. A person's descendants
Posthumous Occurring or continuing after death, especially a work published after an author's death or a child born after a father's death.
Created by: DelaneyEmma
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