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Anatomy Emby Hist
Chapter 3-5
Term | Definition |
Cleavage | Process during prenatal development when mitosis converts a zygote to a blastocyte. |
Differentiation | Change in embryonic cells to become quite distinct structurally and functionally. |
Ectoderm | Layer in trilaminar embryonic disc derived from epiblast layer and lining stomodeum. |
Ectodermal Dysplasia | Syndrome involving abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures including anodontia. |
Endoderm | Layer trilaminar embryonic disc derived from hypoblast layer. |
Foregut | Anterior part of future digestive tract or primitive pharynx that forms oropharynx |
Fusion | joining of embryonic tissue of two separate surfaces or elimination of a furrow between two adjacent swellings or developmental disturbance in which adjacent tooth germs unite to form a large tooth. |
Karyotype | photographic analysis of chromosomes |
Mesenchyme | embryonic connective tissue |
Morphdifferentiation | development of the differing form that will create a specific structure |
Morphogenesis | Process of development of specific tissue morphology |
Morphology | form of a structure |
Neural Crest Cells | group of cells that develop from neuroectoderm that migrate from the crests of the neural folds and disperse to specific sites within the mesencyme |
Neural Folds | Raised ridges in the neural plate that surround deepening neural groove |
Neural Groove | Groove from further growth and thickening of neural plate |
Neural Plate | Centralized band of cells that extends the length of embryo |
Neural Tube | Tube formed when neural folds meet and fuse superior to neural groove |
Neuroectoderm | Specialized group of cells that differentiates from ectoderm |
Primitive Streak | Furrowed rod-shaped thickening in middle of embryonic disc. |
Teratogens | environmental agents or actors such as infections, drugs, radiation causing malformations |
Brachial arch | six stacked swellings of tissue that appear inferior to the stomodeum, including the mandibular arch |
First brachial arch | Mandibular arch in embryo |
Second Brachial | brachial arch inferior to mandibular arch in embryo or hyoid bone |
Third brachial arch | Brachial arch in embryo responsible for formation of laryngeal catilages |
Fifth brachial arch | rudimentary embryonic brachial arch that is absent or included with the fourth arch |
Fourth brachial arch | brachial arch in embryo that participates in formation of laryngeal cartilages |
Sixth brachial arch | brachial arch in embryo that fuses with fourth brachial arch to participate in formation of laryngeal cartilages |
Cleft lip | development disturbance of upper lip |