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FSCC Tabors A-B

Stack #168073

a-,an-, without,away from, not
ab-, abs- from,away from, absent
abdomin-, abdomino- abdomen
abort-, aborto- to miscarry
acous-, acoust-, acousto- hearing
acro- extremity, top, extreme point
ad- adherence, increase,toward
aden-, adeo- gland
adip-, adipo- fat
adreno-, adren- adrenal glands
-aemia blood
aer-, aero- air or gas
-aesthesia, aesthesio- sensation
af- toward
-al relating to
albumin-, albumino- albumin
algesia-, algia- suffering, pain
algi- pain
allo-, all- other
amb-, ambi- both, on both sides, around, about
ana-, an- up, against, back
andro- man, male, masculine
angi-, angio- blood or lymph vessels
aniso- unequal, asymmetrical, dissimilar
ankyl-, ankylo- crooked, bent, fusion or growing together of parts
ante- before
antero- anterior, front, before
ant-, anti- against,
apo- from, derived from, separated from, opposed
arch-, arche-, archi- first, principal, beginning, original
arteri-, arterio- artery
arthr-, arthro- joint
-ase enzyme
-asis, -esis, -iasis, -isis, -sis condition, pathological state
ather-, athero- fatty plaque
aut-, auto- self
axo- axis, axon
azot-, azoto- nitrogenous compounds
bacteri-, bacterio- bacteria, bacterium
balan-, balano- glans clitoridis, glans penis
basio-, basi- base, foundation
bi-, bis- two, double, twice
bili- bile
bio- life
blast-, -blast germ, bud, embryonic state of development
blephar-, blepharo- eyelid
brachy- short
brady- slow
bronch-, bronchi-, broncho- airway
bronchiol-, bronchiolo- bronchiole
Created by: CWal6512
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