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Test 1 Gerontology
Question | Answer |
what is life expectancy? | the average length of time one would expect to live if one were born that year |
what is maximum life expectancy? | maximum number of years a given species can expect to live if environmental hazards are eliminated, for human about 120 years |
what is young old age? | 65-74 |
what is old old age | 75-84 |
what is oldest old age | 85 + |
what is gerontology? | the field of study that focuses on understanding the biological, psychological, social and political factors that influence older people's lives |
what is senescence? | combination of processes of deterioration which follow the period of development of an organism. The word senescence is derived from the Latin word meaning "old man" or "old age" |
what is progeria? | class of genetic disorders with symptoms that resemble very rapid aging |
what is hutchinson-Guilford syndrome? | individual may appear normal within 1st year of life but then victim does not grow normally, loses hair and appears older due to dominant autosomal gene do not get arthritis, increased risk of cancer , cataracts or dementia |
what is Werner's syndrome? | does not become evident until individual is in their 20-30, pt has cataracts, connective tissue cancers, diabetes, age spots, osteoporosis due to recessive autosomal gene |
Seborrheic Keratosis | benign crusty growth on skin |
Solar Keratosis | precancerous lesion, result from too much sun |
what is Arcus senilis | senilis is a gray or white arc or circle visible around the outer part of the cornea in many older adults |
what are fluid abilities? | Involve novel problem solving, spatial manipulation, mental speed, and identifying complex relations among stimulus patterns short term memory, Peaks in the 20’s and then gradually declines until the 60’s, then a more rapid decline |
what are crystalized abilities | accumulation of knowledge and experience, relies on longterm memory, increases during lifespan |
what is Aphasia | deterioration of language function, slurred language and words |
what is Apraxia | impaired ability to execute motor activities (move), despite intact motor abilities, sensory function, and comprehension of the task. |
what is Agnosia | failure to recognize or identify objects despite sensory function (failure to see a car and know that it is a car) |
what is Disturbance in executive functioning | Ability to think in abstractions and to plan, initiate, sequence, monitor, and stop complex behavior (math-seperating a check) |
what are programmed theories of aging and senescence? | senescence follows a predetermined plan expect the senescence of various body parts and systems to occur in the same order in nearly all members of a species |
what are unprogrammed theories of aging | there is no clear plan or schedule of senescence, may occur rapidly or slowly depending on interactions with the environment |
what is the programmed their of biological clock | when cells can no longer divide, they deteriorate and die |
what is the hay flick number? | cells are not immortal, they divide and reproduce a limited number of times (usually 50 for humans) |
what are telomeres? | at the end of DNA chromosomes, a series of repeating units that carry no genetic information and shorten with every cell division |
what is the programmed theory of evolution? | programmed to occur once we reach a certain age, this age is when we no longer reproduce and the raising of offspring is complete and there is no purpose in life beyond this point |
what is the programmed theory of hormones? | hormones control the action of cells in many different systems, they decrease the production of certain hormones when we grow older and the lower level of hormones produce vulnerability |
what is the programmed theory of leaky defense in immune system? | senescence is a result of invasion by environmental toxins and organisms that damage cells, tissues and organs throughout the body a direct result of less efficient functioning immune system |
what is the unprogrammed theory of autoimmune hypothesis? | senescence and damage increase with age because our immune system begins attacking portions of the body it is meant to protect |
what is the unprogrammed theory of wear and tear? | result of a lifetime of random illnesses, injuries and damage to our bodies that produce failures in various bodily components and we die of weakened body parts |
what is the unprogrammed theory of free radicals | results of damage produced by free radicals |
what is the unprogrammed theory of errors? | our body makes errors all the time and that over long periods of time on wis more likely to make a serious error |