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Clinical Research
Clinical Research Quiz 1 pt 3
Term | Definition |
Complex hypothesis | states a predicted relationship between 2 or more independent variables &/or 2 or more dependent variables |
Deductive hypothesis | have theories as starting points that are applied to particular situations; QUANTITATIVE STUDIES; specific predictions derived from general principles |
Directional hypothesis | predicts the direction of a relationship |
Hypothesis | the researcher’s predictions about relationships among variables; ex: subjects receiving intervention “a” will have less side effects from chemotherapy as measured by… |
Inductive hypothesis | generalization inferred from observed relationships QUALITATIVE STUDIES |
Multivariate hypothesis | predictions about relationships with multiple variables |
Nondirectional hypothesis | predicts the existence of a relationship, not its direction |
Problem statement | articulates the problem and describes the need for a study through the development of an argument |
Research aim / Objective | the specific accomplishments to be achieved by conducting the study; ex: to develop an intervention to reduce chemotherapy side effects or to test the hypotheses |
Research hypothesis | states the actual prediction of a relationship |
Research problem | a statement articulating the research problem & indicating the need for a study |
Research question | specific queries the researcher wants to answer in addressing the research problem; ex: what is the effectiveness of intervention “a” vs “b”? |
Simple hypothesis | expresses a predicted relationship between 1 independent variable & one dependent variable |
Statement of purpose | t/ researcher's summary of the overall study goal; ex: to test an intervention to reduce side effects |
Statistical hypothesis/Null hypothesis | expresses the absence of a relationship (used only in statistical testing) |
Topic | a phenomenon of focus, ex: side effects of chemotherapy |
Abstract | brief description of a completed or proposed study; usually located at the beginning of a report or proposal |
Abstract journal | |
Author search | |
CD-ROM | |
CINAHL database | Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature; an import electronic database /c references to all Eng. language journals, books, dissertations, & selected conference proceedings in nursing & allied health fields |
Computer search | |
Discussion section | |
Electronic database | |
Index | |
Introduction | |
Journal article | a report appearing in a professional journal; ex: Nursing research or international journal of nursing studies |
Key words | an important term used to search for references on a topic in a bibliographic database, and used by authors to enhance the likelihood that their report will be found |
Level of significance | the risk of making a Type I error in a statistical analysis, w/ the criterion (alpha) established by the researcher beforehand |
Literature review | a comprehensive written summary of evidence on a research problem |
Mapping | a feature that allows you to search for topics using your own keywords, rather than needing to enter a term that is exactly the same as the subject heading |
MEDLINE database | developed by US National Library of medicine; covers 5K medical, nursing, and health journals from many countries |
Method section | area in article where the steps, procedures, and strategies for gathering and analyzing data in a study |
Online catalog system | |
Online search | |
*Primary source | articles written by the author/researcher specifically; it’s the only source of credible evidence |
Research findings | |
Results section | area of article state the answers to the research questions, obtained through an analysis of the collected data |
*Secondary source | research documents of descriptions of studies prepared by someone other than the original researcher; ex: literature reviews, synthesis articles, textbook chapters |
Statistical significance | a term indicating that the results from an analysis of sample data are unlikely to have been caused by chance, at a specified level of probability |
Statistical test | an analytic tool that estimates the probability that results obtained from a sample reflect true population values |
Subject search | |
Text word search | |
Theme | a recurring regularity emerging from an analysis of qualitative data |