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Perio Test 1

Periodontics Test 1

what items are associated with the attachment apparatus gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar and supporting bone
at which one of the following areas is the width of attached gingiva greatest? maxillary lateral incisors
which substance is the primary component of the connective tissue of the periodontium? collagen
which one of the following structures directly attaches the junctional epithelium to the enamel? basal lamina
what structure is involved in the attachment of the gingiva to the tooth surface? dentogingival unit
what is associated with biologic width? junctional epithelia, gingival connective tissue attachment
where is the alveolar bone proper located? lines the tooth socket
where is the interradicular bone located? between the roots of a multi rooted tooth
where is the interdental bone located? between roots of different teeth
where is the trabecular bone located? cancellous porous bone surrounding marrow spaces lies subjacent to cortical bone
where is the radicular bone located? covers the root of the tooth
what is associated with the junctional epithelium? few cells thick, surrounds the tooth, continuous with the free gingiva, lamina propria
arteries that supply blood and lymphatics to the free gingiva originate from all of the following parts of the periodontium except one cementum
what structure is not vascular? lamina propria
what structures are vascular? enamel, cementum, junctional epithelium
what does the periodontium consists of? gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar and supporting bone
what are the three types of oral mucosa? masticatory mucosa (gingiva and hard palate) lining mucosa (alveolar mucosa, soft palate, lining of lips/cheeks) specialized mucosa (dorsum of tongue)
what is the gingiva subdivided into? free gingiva, attached gingiva and interdental gingiva or papilla
how far coronally is the free gingival to the cemntoenamel junction? 0.5-2 mm
what is the gingival crevice? space between the free gingiva and the tooth surface and is linked by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
what is the gingival crevice in health? sulcus
what is the gingival crevice inflamed? pocket
what is the attached gingiva? continuous with the free gingiva and is firmly attached to the underlying cememntum and periosteum covering the alveolar process
where is the attached gingival widest and narrowest on the facial aspect? incisor region first pre molar area
where is the attached gingiva widest and narrowest on the lingual aspect? widest in the molar narrowest in the incisor region
what are the three forms of papillae? filiform, fungiform and circumvallate
what is filiform papillae? slender and most abundant top or dorsal surface of the tongue with no taste buds
what are fungiform papillae? broad and flat found mostly on the edge of the tongue provided with taste buds
what is the gingival epithelium divided into oral epithelium, sulcular or crevicular epithelium, junctional epithelium
what is the junctional epithelium? band of epithelial cells that surrounds the tooth and creates a seal at the gingival crevice to hold it firmly into place
what are circular fibers? encircles the tooth within the free gingiva
what is the most important element in the PDL? Principal fibers
what are the physical functions of periodontal ligament? transmission of occulsal forces attachment of teeth to bone maintenance of the gingival tissue
what is cementum? the thin calcified tissue covering the roots of the teeth
what is acellular cememntum does not incorporate cells
what is cellular cememntum? contains cementocytes found primarily in the apical third of the root
where is cementum thicker? on the distal surfaces
what is basal bone bone of the maxilla and mandible minus the alveolar process
what is alveolar process the compact and cancellous bone that surrounds and supports the teeth
what is the alveolar bone comprised of alveolus (tooth socket), PDL and fibers that insert into it
what cell is primarily recruited in high numbers to the site of acute inflammation? neutrophil
what cells are phagocytic and involved in periodontal infections? mast cells, macrophages, neutrophils
what cell is mainly involved in the body's immune response to invading bacteria? lymphocytes
what is responsible for the destruction in periodontal disease? direct effects of the bacteria and indirect effects by the body's own immune response
where is the first attempt at self protection from bacterial invasion come from supragingival enivornment
what is associated with periodontal bone resorption cytokines, prostaglandin E2
what cell remains in the blood stream and does not function to phagocytize until it migrates into the tissue monocyte
what cells are involved in regulating the activity of other cells cytokines
what substances are associated with gram negative bacteria and cause damage to the periodontium? endotoxin
what is a plasma cell make make antibodies
what is a mast cell make make histamine
what is a complement protein in serum that binds to bacteria
what is a T lymphocyte? produces cytokines
what is periodontal disease? inflammation of the gingival tissue where there is ulceration of the periodontal sulus or pocket, destruction of the underlying connective tissue
what is the prime etiological factor of periodontal disease? gingivitis and periodontitis
what is considered a secondary factor in periodontal disease? calculus
what is a secondary factor (definition) can be modified and affect the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease
how does calculus attach? organic pellicle, penetration into cementum, mechanical locking with surface irregularities, close adaptation to undersurface depressions
does mechanical irritation from calculus occur? NO
what is associated with gingivitis? bone loss does not occur, risk factors include poor oral hygiene and endocrine conditions
what medications are a contributing risk factor causing gingival enlargement? phenytonin, cyclosporine, nifedipine, valproate
what periodontal disease is described as inflammation of the gingiva without loss of clinical connective tissue attachment? dental plaque induced gingivitis
which bacteria is found in high numbers in pregnancy gingivitis? prevotella intermedia
what periodontal lesions is characterized by chronic gingival inflammation and the presence of plasma cells? established
what periodontal lesion is characterized by chronic gingival inflammation and the initial presence of PMNs initial
during the disease process the junctional epithelium transforms into... pocket epithelium
which lesion does clinical inflammation first appear? early
which occurs first after 2 to 4 days of plaque accumulation dilation of blood vessels in the lamina propria
how does periodontitis occur and progress? health gingiva with PMNs present initial lesion with destruction of gingival fibers, PMNs present established lesion with destruction of gingival fibers, PMNs present advanced lesions with destruction of perio ligaments, apical and lateral migration je
what is the latest classification of periodontitis is based on... clinical presentation, radiographic survey, historical data, microbial profile
what forms of periodontitis is associated with a chemotatic defect in the polymophonuclear leukocytes or macrophages? localized aggressive periodontitis
what bacteria is found in high numbers in localized aggressive periodontitis? aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
for gingival pocket what is the definition marginal gingival enlargement with base of pocket at cememntoenamel junction
what is a supra bony pocket? base of pocket located coronal to the alveolar crest
what is a gingival pocket base of pocket located apical to the alveolar crest
which periodontal lesion is characterized by attachment loss and bone resorption advanced
a periodontal pocket forms when... the junctional epithelium migrates apically and laterally from the tooth surface
what is responsible for bone loss? prostaglandins, endotoxins, B cells
what are the stages of pathogenesis connective tissue attachment loss apical and lateral migration of JE bone loss destruction of perio ligaments fibers
what accounts for mineralization of sub gingival calculus? crevicular fluid
what reason explains the finding of supra gingival calculus on the lingual surfaces of the mandibular incisors? presence of the Warton's duct
what is the reasons that calculus is an important local etiologic factor for periodontal disease? ir is porous and can provide a reservoir for bacteria
what are the anatomic factors that may predispose a site to periodontal disease? tooth position, furcation area, root surfaces
where do palatogingival grooves usually appear? palta surface of maxillary lateral incisors
a gingival abscess is localized to the... gingival margin
what is associated with patient management of an acute periodontal abscess without lymphadenopathy? incision and drainage
what is associated with gingival abscess? popcorn kernel, partially erupted third molar
what is an apical radiolucency periiapical abcess
what is a truisms? periocoronitis
what is a dental caries periapical abscess
what is a furcation defect? periodontal abscess, periapical abscess
what is an operculum? pericoronitis
what is a deep pocket associated with? periodontal abscess
what is a fluctuant associated with? periodontal abscess, gingival abscess, periapical abcess, pericoronitis
what occurs when a pocket entrance is opened with a probe or curet on a tooth with an acute peri abscess? incision and drainage
what is the treatment used for patients with gingival abscesses? identify and remove the cause
what is associated with treatment of pericoronitis? irrigation, extraction of third molars, removal of operculm, placement of Arestin, systemic antibiotics if lymphadenpathy is present
what is localized purulent infection within the tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth? pericoronal abscess
what is the bacteria associated with periodontal abscess? porphyromonas gingivalis prevotella intermedia fusobacterium nucleatum
how do you describe a patient with periodontal disease? pain is the predominant feature
what bacteria present in NUG patients may penetrate periodontal tissue? treponema denticola
what are necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis are categorized under... necrotizing ulcerative diseases
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis can be a clinical sign of what human immunodeficiency virus infection
what disease looks like NUG? primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
what is associated with NUG? pain, bleeding, papillary necrosis, fever, emotional stress, spirochetes
what two bacteria are associated with NUG? prevotella intermedia, porphyromonas gingivalis
what is the distinguishing factor between NUP and NUG recession and alveolar bone loss
what is a concern in immunosupressed necrotizing ulcerative disease? fungal infections
what is a prominent sign of NUG punched out papillae
Created by: Chobchi
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