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Pelvis and Thigh

Ch 8 Pelvis and Thigh

When complaining of symptoms of deep Hip joint pain? Coxfemoral joint, reffered from the lumber spine or sacroiliac joint or both.
When complaining of Symptoms of pain in the pubic region? Strain to hip adductors
When complaining of symptoms of pain in the anterior hip? Strain to hip flexors
When complaining of symptoms of pain posterior aspect of greater trochanter? Greater Trochanteric buristis
When taking history pevlic girdle and hip pathology tend to be ? Chronic or caused my overuse
When taking the history, when any changes of training techniges what three things could it be? change in Surface, footwear, alterations in training technique intensity.
Training on a banked surface or additions of hills can lead to? greater trochantor bursitis, Hip flexor bursitis
Change in training such as increased of intensity, frequency, or duration, lead to? Stree fractures
A direct blow to the iliac creat, would cause? Contusion( hip pointer)
direct blow to the buttocks or directly falling on the buttocks, would cause? Contusion of the coccyx or ishium, sacroiliac pathology.
The athlete complains of sudden pain ( during eccentric contraction of a muscle), this could be? A strain to that muscle
Athlete complains of graudual pain of a area, this could cause? A stress fracture or tendinitis
If a patient has prior medical condition of congenital abnormalities of the hip, this could affect them in what way? Altered biomechanics of hip, knee or ankle during adulthood
Proir medical condition of legg-calve perthes disease, would affect the person in what ways? residual flattening of the proximal femoral epiphsis, can reasult in decreased hip internal rotation and adduction.
Prior medical condition os slipped capital epiphsis, could affect the person how? excessive external rotation of the hip and restricted or painful internal rotation.
What is the angle of inclination? relationship of fermoral head and the femoral shaft. may be determined by observing the relationship between the femur and tibia
What does coxa valga mean, when looking at the angle of inclination? An increase in the angle, normal is 125 degrees.
What does coxa vara mean, when looking at angle of inclination? A decrease in the angle, lower than 125 degrees
What could cause Coxa Valga? may be caued through either genu varum or a laterally positioned patellae
What could cause Coxa Vara? May lead to genu valgum or medially postioned patellae ( squinting patella)
Both Coxa valga and Coxa Vara are a result in what kind of mechanical advantage? Decreased mechanical advantage of the gluteus medius by altering its line of pull on the femur
When taking the geniometry for Hip adduction and abduction, where is the fulcrum? Over the ASIS
When taking Geniometry for adduction and abduction where is the stationary arm? The distal portion of the stationary arm is placed over the opposite ASIS
When taking Geniometry for adduction and abduction where is the moving arm? Long axis of the femur middle of the patella as the distal reference.
Geniometery of internal and external rotation, where is the fulcrum? The center of the patella
Geniometery of internal and external rotation, Where is the moving arm? Long axis to the tibia , the center of the talocrural joint
Geniometery of internal and external rotation , where is the stationary arm ? held perdenicular to the floor
When perfoming the the craigs test or angle of torsion where is the geniomater? Distal to the knee, stationary arm perpendicular to the tabletop( dital reference middle of the glute) Movig arm middle of the tibia( talocrual ditial reference)
Internal rotation of the hip normal degree is? 45 degrees
External rotation of the hip normal degree is ? 50 degrees
What is the Thomas test for? Hip flexor tignhtness
Pefroming the thomas test if the patient has tightness of the rectus femoris what is a postive sign? The lower leg moves into extension
Thomas test, postive sign for iliopsoas muscle group tightness? The involves leg rise off the table
Trengelenburgs test is testing for? Gluteus medius weakness
Created by: Msathletic
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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