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kidney obst
kidney, renal calculi, urinary obstruction, congential
Question | Answer |
renal cortex consists of glomeruli, proximal and distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts separated by a delicate connective tissue interstitium and supplied by a vast vascular network. | renal cortex |
consists of the renal pyramids whose tips (papillae) protrude into the minor calyces. | The medulla |
contain the loops of Henle and the collecting ducts. | The pyramids |
consists of a tuft of capillaries across which the blood is filtered. | A glomerulus |
Substances penetrate or are excluded by the glomerulus filter on the basis of what two things? | size and charge. |
Where does ion exchange take place? | tubules |
__ agenesis is incompatible with life | Bilateral |
Type of agenesis associated with pulmonary hypoplasia and oligohydramnios. | bilateral |
Unilateral agenesis is more common and seen most frequently in ____. | males |
Unilatertal agenesis is associated with what two types of diseases? | The remaining kidney may become hypertrophied and there may be association esophageal atresia or congenital heart disease. |
common lesions arising from the cortex of the kidney and are of variable size. | SIMPLE CYSTS |
Type of cyst,they may be congenital or acquired and have no clinical significance except that, if large enough, they may be confused with a neoplastic mass. | simple cysts |
Type of cyst, This has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. | ADULT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY - |
How many individuals are affected by adult polycystic kidney? | 1:500 |
Is adult polycystic kidney unilateral or bilateral | bilateral |
What age do people generall get help for polycystic kidney | 30 - 40 |
Why do adults with polycystic kidney seek medical assistance? | hematureia from hemorrhageinto the cysts. |
Do individuals with polycystic kidney get over the disease | no, they develop chronic renal failure |
What two disorders is polycystic kidney associated wtih? | benign hepatic cysts or saccular berry aneurysms of cerebral vasculature |
may arise when there is an excessive amount of stone constituents present in the serum or the urine and a favorable environment for the precipitation of those constituents exists. | Calculi |
What percent of renal calculi contain calcium? | 80 |
What does calcium mix with to form a stone? | oxalate, phosphate, or hydroxyapatite |
Large stones tend to remain where in the kidney | pelvis |
Are large kidney stones that stay in the pelvis of the kidney symptomatic? | no |
What will large stones that are asymptomatic lead to? | infection and hematuria |
Smaller stones are more likely to enter and obstruct the ureter and create clinical symptoms of | extreme colicky abdominal pain radiating from the flank to the groin. |
Are small stones that are stuck in the ureter symptomatic? | yes |
This is the result of ureteral or urethral compression/obstruction and may be due to stones, prostatic hypertrophy, congenital defects, tumors, pregnancy, etc. | URINARY OBSTRUCTION |
Obstruction predisposes to | infection and stone formation |
refers to the dilatation of the renal pelvis and calyces due to the obstruction to the outflow of urine | Hydronephrosis |
hydronephrosis, caused from urinary obstruction is associated with progressive atrophy of the kidney leading to | functional failure. |
The renal changes become irreversible after about ________weeks of complete obstruction or of partial obstruction. | three several months |
If the obstruction is acute, there may be pain related to what two things? | acute dilatation of collecting ducts or stretching of the renal capsule. |
Gradual unilateral obstruction, either partial or complete, however may be asymptomatic and found | only during evaluation of other problems |
Depending on the site of obstruction, hydronephrosis may be unilateral or bilateral? | both |