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Plan Making

AICP Exam Prep HCC - Plan Making and Implementation 1

What is visioning? public participation technique - typically carried out in beginning of process
What are the steps of visioning? 1) develop goals & objectives (themes), 2) themes compiled to form "vision statement"
What is needed for effective visioning? 1) representative sample of community, 2) impartial leader to facilitate, 3) projections/illustrations to show implications
12-Step Visioning Process 1) get started, 2) 1st community workshop, 3) establish taskforce, 4) 2nd workshop, 5) keep on track, 6) 3rd workshop, 7) draft vision statement, 8) 4th workshop, 9) market/make vision reality, 10) action plan, 11) annual progress report, 12) adoption
Goal Setting Components (3) 1) public participation, 2) goals & objectives, 3) tests of measurements for progress
Goal Setting Component 1 - Public Participation public must be engaged, problems must be defined, continued public involvement, open and transparent process
What is a goal? desired outcome of process, requires well defined problems, includes measurable objectives
What is an objective? expressed in specific terms and can be measured, supports achievement of goals, single purpose
What is a policy? general rule outlining how goals & objectives should be realized
Measurement for Progress Tests must revisited periodically to evaluate continued relevancy/still on target, progress measured through accomplishment of supporting objectives, tie goals to community activity (development) or budget line item (capital expense)
What is Qualitative Data? cannot be expressed numerically (opinions, perceptions, perspectives), analyze by looking for trends, based on feedback from focus groups and surveys
Focus Groups - Small Number of Participants/Simple Topic (+)people have plenty of time to talk, (-)conversation may get thin, (-)1 or 2 people may dominate conversation
Focus Groups - Small Number of Participants/Complex Topic (+)fewer people allow more time to talk, (-)conversation may get thin, (-)1 or 2 people may dominate conversation
Focus Groups - Large Number of Participants/Simple Topic (+)more people talking, (-)people may not want to talk in front of a large group of people
Focus Groups - Large Number of Participants/Complex Topic (+)more people talking, (-)may lose people, (-)not enough time to talk, (-)people may not want to talk in front of a large group of people
Discrete Data separate, whole unit, no fractions (Ex. building has 10 rooms)
Nominal (Categorical) Data grouped by arbitrary names, numbers, or symbols (Ex. on a survey, you may give a "yes" a 1 and a "no" a 0)
Continuous Data taken along a scale that could be subdivided (thermometer)
Ordinal/Ranking Scale named categories are organized in terms of some relationship they have to each other (Ex. lower, middle, upper class)
Interval Scale distance between categories are purely arbitrary but have meaning - always has a true zero point (Ex. Celsius temperature)
Ratio Scale ratio between two intervals is established and is independent of the unit of measurement and the zero point - often used to measure cost of one project relative to another
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) most commonly used ratio scale - FAR=total floor area/total lot area
Descriptive Statistics concerned with organizing and summarizing data
Inferential Statistics large volumes of numbers out of which generalizations must be made in order to formulate policy recommendations
Mean Average
Median value that divides a group equally into two parts
Mode value with the highest frequency
Range difference between largest and smallest values
Variance variation between values
Sampling means of making statements about a population based on information from only a part of the population - quality of inferences depends on how well sample represents total population
Random Sampling process of giving each subject in population an equal chance of being selected
Stratified Sampling pre-select sample based on certain qualifications
Cohort Survival population projection - detailed, very accurate for short term projections, population divided into 5 year age groups called cohort, each cohort is survived into the future until target year is reached-good for large area projections (states)
Ratio/Step Down Methods if neighborhood studied has 10% of metro population at time of last census, estimate of current population will be 10% of current metro total - good for small areas
Extrapolation Method bases growth on observed growth trends
Symptomatic Method changed in related, obtainable data are predictive of changes in population as a whole (building permits, school enrollment, new electric meters, dwelling unit counts, voter registration)
Shift Share Analysis evaluates strengths and weaknesses of a region's industries
What does Shift Share Analysis Examine? 3 components of regional employment growth between two periods of time: 1)national growth, 2)industry mix, 3)competitiveness - 3 are summed for total change in employment of industry
What does Shift Share Analysis Show? 1)study area's share of national (or regional) growth, 2) mix change in activities, 3)shift change of activities toward study area
Location Quotient ratio of proportion of local employment in one sector to similar proportion in national economy - based on historic data - used to identify degree of self-sufficiency in an employment sector
Location Quotient > 1 employment in local industry is greater than employment in larger region and product is EXPORTED - BASE industry
Location Quotient < 1 local industry is not meeting local demand
Location Quotient = 1 local industry is sufficient to meet local demand
Why are Demographics Important? school districts, community service providers, federal/state funding
Created by: hccovi2
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