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Unit 4--Part 2


market revolution the expansion of places one could sell products to in the early 1800s
Lowell Mills textile factories dominated by female labor
separate spheres the middle-class concept that a woman's place was within the home and that men should dominate public life
cult of domesticity the middle-class idea that women should be pious, pure, domestic, and submissive
Transcendentalism literary movement meant to evoke emotion and challenge materialism
Hudson River School of Art artistic movement meant to evoke emotion and challenge materialism
Second Great Awakening religious re-birth of the early 19th century
Joseph Smith he started the Mormon faith within the context of the Second Great Awakening
Horace Mann one of the first advocates of tax-supported public schools
Dorothea Dix she helped create mental asylums and to remove the mentally ill from prisons
American Temperance Society organization that sought to ban alcohol
American Colonization Society wanted to relocate slaves to Africa
American Anti-Slavery Society called for immediate abolition of slavery
William Lloyd Garrison leader of the American Anti-Slavery Society; published The Liberator
Seneca Falls place where the 1st women's rights convention met
Nat Turner led the largest (unsuccessful) slave rebellion in 1831
antebellum means "before the war"; or before the Civil War
Interchangeable parts increased efficiency/mass production of manufacturing by making it possible to replace parts in machinery
Frederick Douglass former slave who published the antislavery journal "The North Star"
Thomas Gallaudet reformer who founded a school for the deaf
Created by: debbiecasillo
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