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Med Terms-19

hormones plasma carries them
electrolytes transported as dissolutions in plasma
formed elements include erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
5 types of leukocytes neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, lymphocytes
hemostasis blood-clotting process
hematopoiesis blood formation in red bone marrow
leukocytosis abnormal condition in white cells
hypoglycemia blood condition with insufficient sugar
hyperlipemia blood condition with excessive fat
hemocytometer instrument for measuring blood cells
thrombocytopenia too few clotting cells
eosinopenia too few rosy red cells
basophil attracted to basic
leukopoiesis formation of white cells
thrombolysis destruction of a clot
anticoagulant any substance that prevents clot formation
aplastic anemia severe form of anemia caused by loss of functioning red bone marrow
blood culture and sensitivity (C&S) blood specimen incubated to check for bacterial growth
coagulate formation of blood clot
embolus floating clot
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) indicates presence of inflammatory disease
hematocrit blood test that measures volume of red blood cells within total volume of blood
hematoma bruise
hemoglobin blood test that measures amount of hemoglobin present in given volume of blood
hemophilia inherited lack of vital clotting factor; results in almost complete inability to stop bleeding
leukemia cancer of leukocyte-forming red bone marrow; patient has large number of abnormal and immature leukocytes circulating in blood
Created by: briannasmith12
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